Foundations of Physics Defining Technology
Technology Categories Review the technology examples on each of your cards with a partner Do they have anything in common? Can some of the examples be grouped together?
Technology Categories Construction Mining and Manufacturing Transportation Energy Medicine and Health Fiber Communication Agriculture
What are the common characteristics of technology? All are used to do something (they have a purpose) All are used by someone (people mainly) to meet their needs All have changed over time (evolves)
What are the types of human needs? Necessities – things you must have to stay alive Comforts – things that make life easier, but you could live without Luxuries – things that entertain or are sources of pleasure but don’t make life easier.
Technology Summary Human NeedOriginal Method for Meeting Need Current Method of Meeting Need Technology Category Food / Water Shelter Clothing Move Around Music / Art Sports Socialize
Tools at the Table: Pre-Reading Which of the following table “tools” is the oldest technology? Which is the youngest? Forks, Knives, Chopsticks, or Plates Why do you think some cultures developed chopsticks while other developed knives and forks?
Tools at the Table: Reading Read silently or quietly with a partner the article “Tools at the Table”. Skip page 2 (black background) because it describes how to use chopsticks
Tools at the Table: Post-Reading Review your answers to the original pre- reading questions. Did your answers change? What were the cultural reasons for the invention and use of chopsticks? What were the cultural reasons for the invention and use of forks? What were the environmental reasons for each invention and for the materials they were made of?
Technology Team Challenge Eating in Microgravity Brainstorm ways to improving eating / drinking in microgravity environments. Make a sketch of your ideas on a whiteboard.
Convergent Technologies Forks and chopsticks are examples of convergent technologies: they evolved from different materials in different places, but serve the same purpose. Think of another example (not from the reading) of two technologies that meet the same human need. What are the two technologies? State the human need that is met by both technologies. Describe the materials used to make the two technologies.
Definition of Technology Human modification of the world to meet their needs and wants or to solve problems.
Definition of Science Process of gathering and organizing knowledge about the physical world.