Disciple Making Small Groups. Transparent Relationships Committee  program  disciples Biblical approach: Relationships  Time  Disciples.


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Presentation transcript:

Disciple Making Small Groups

Transparent Relationships Committee  program  disciples Biblical approach: Relationships  Time  Disciples

Authentic Small Groups Acts 2: All who believed were together and had all things in common; 45 they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46 Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, 47 praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. Disciple Making Small Groups EngagingEncouragingInviting

Disciple Making Small Groups Engaging The Word The group is centered around the Bible through a biblically based study. Encouraging Community The group supports one another in times of difficulty, joy or in opportunities for Spiritual Growth. Inviting Others The group seeks the opportunities God gives to invite others or develop new GG leaders.

Disciple Making Small Groups “Our growth group has a life of its own. We have become loyal, supportive friends. It keeps us attuned to the life of the church.”

Disciple Making Small Groups “Our group Bible study is a means to increase our personal relationship with Christ.”

Disciple Making Small Groups “Our group has been a place where we could share the difficult things that are happening and know that it will be kept confidential. We rely upon the group to pray for us.”

Disciple Making Small Groups “This group has become like a family to me…I have grown spiritually through our studies and by listening to the wisdom of other members.”

Disciple Making Small Groups “Our group has potentially several leaders—I hope God will lead us to expand and/or sprout new groups.”

Disciple Making Small Groups To sign up for a Growth Group, just fill out a sign up form in a Growth Group Brochure in the Welcome Centers or talk to Pastor Steve.

Giving Comparison ‘01- ‘ Mo.YTD Mo.YTD Mo.YTD Mo.YTD Mo.YTD January $65,861 $82,130 $65,547 $64,415 $81,133 February $79,529$145,390 $79,844$161,974 $109,056$174,603 $106,968$171,383 $89,117$170,250 March $79,948$225,338 $99,392$261,366 $95,781$270,384 $77,339$248,722 $114,833$285,083 April $95,702$321,040 $72,570$333,936 $81,387$351,771 $76,547$325,269 $77,049$362,131 May $66,216$387,256 $68,789$402,725 $90,217$441,988 $103,705$428,974 $96,048$458,179 June $70,638$457,894 $88,380$491,105 $83,210$525,198 $65,896$494,870 $76,316$534,729 July $85,176$543,070 $72,313$563,418 $74,750$599,948 $72,031$566,901 $75,437$610,166 August $69,969$613,039 $76,449$639,867 $103,759$703,707 $97,261$664,162 $86,221$696,386 September $93,632$706,671 $87,817$727,684 $66,504$770,211 $72,717$736,879 October $71,745$778,416 $79,350$807,034 $80,982$851,193 $91,829$828,708 November $92,666$871,082 $89,781$896,815 $102,098$953,291 $95,323$924,031 December $142,972$1,014,054 $129,751$1,026,566 $91,869$1,045,160 $158,203$1,082,234

Expense Comparison ’01- ‘ Mo.YTD Mo.YTD Mo.YTD Mo.YTD Mo.YTD January $84,500 $96,803 $80,738 $92,046 $93,810 February $84,775$169,275 $87,659$184,462 $98,230$178,968 $103,441$195,487 $97,203$191,013 March $81,694$250,969 $96,064$280,526 $96,895$275,863 $108,417$303,904 $109,783$300,796 April $98,363$349,332 $81,229$361,755 $95,963$371,826 $93,550$397,454 $99,181$399,977 May $76,741$426,073 $93,826$455,581 $89,061$460,887 $82,956$480,410 $87,445$487,422 June $78,266$504,339 $78,451$534,032 $81,138$542,025 $77,124$557,534 $85,195$572,864 July $75,690$580,029 $75,178$609,210 $75,933$617,958 $77,210$634,744 $82,376$655,240 August $76,456$656,485 $80,235$689,445 $79,670$697,628 $89,469$724,213 $80,375$735,641 September $99,431$755,916 $85,570$775,015 $79,905$777,533 $80,696$804,909 October $84,264$840,180 $92,102$867,117 $80,227$857,760 $85,451$890,360 November $77,324$917,504 $85,375$952,492 $83,046$940,806 $89,137$979,497 December $95,887$1,013,391 $90,540$1,043,032 $108,018$1,048,824 $102,495$1,082,234

Deficit Comparison ’01 –’ Mo.YTD Mo.YTD Mo.YTD Mo.YTD Mo.YTD January ($18,639) ($14,673) ($15,191) ($27,631) ($12,677) February ($23,885) ($22,488) ($4,365) ($24,104) ($20,763) March ($25,631) ($19,160) ($5,479) ($55,182) ($15,713) April ($28,292) ($27,819) ($20,055) ($72,185) ($37,846) May ($38,817) ($52,856) ($18,899) ($51,436) ($29,243) June ($46,445) ($42,927) ($16,827) ($62,664) ($38,135) July ($36,959) ($45,792) ($18,010) ($67,843) ($45,074) August ($43,446) ($49,578) $6,079 ($60,051) ($39,255) September ($49,245) ($47,331) ($7,322) ($68,030) $0 October ($61,764) ($60,083) ($6,567) ($61,652) $0 November ($46,422) ($55,677) $12,485 ($55,466) $0 December $19,289 ($3,026) $0