Where in the Bible is That??!!
On what road did Jesus appear to two men after His resurrection? Emmaus
Who was Gomer and where is she found in Scripture? Hosea’s wife, Book of Hosea
When was Paul’s first missionary journey? AD
Who were Shem, Ham, and Japheth? Noah’s sons
How long, high, and wide was the ark in cubits? 300 cubits long, 30 cubits high, 50 cubits wide
What weird thing happened to Eutychus during one of Paul’s sermons? He fell out of the window.
How many loaves and fish did Jesus use to feed 5,000 men? 5 loaves 2 fish
Name the place where Jesus was crucified. Golgotha or Mt. Calvary or Place of the Skull
What significant thing happened the year Methuseleh died? The Great Flood
What were the names of Timothy’s mom and grandma? Lois and Eunice
How many times does God tell His people, “Be fruitful and increase in number”? 3
Where did Jesus tell Peter to find money to pay taxes? In the mouth of a fish
What type of OT sacrifice required an animal without defect or any type of grain? Fellowship Sacrifice
What is the abbreviation for the book of 2 Corinthians? 2 Co.
How many resurrection appearances did Jesus make? 11
What prophet was made fun of for being bald? Elisha
Where does Paul say, “We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed”? 1 Cor. 15:51 BONUS: What does that mean?
What nickname was given to the disciples James and John? Sons of Thunder
What year was James martyred? 44 AD
Who wrote Hebrews? We don’t know.
Who was “the disciple whom Jesus loved”? John
Who lived 365 years, walked with God, and then was no more because God took him away? Enoch
What map shows the city walls in Jesus’ time, the “City of David” and the “Old City”? Map 10 “Jerusalem in the time of Jesus”
Which verse in Scripture tells us to “never be lacking in zeal”? Romans 12:11
Where is the tomb of Augustus located? Rome, Italy
In what year did Herod Agrippa I die? 44 AD
On what page is the map of Bethany? Page 1611
What book and chapter tell us there is, “a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace”? Ecc. 3
Name the 5 Royal Grant Covenants. Noahic, Abrahamic A, Phineas, Davidic, & New
Name a city of refuge in Naphtali. Kedesh
Which miracle that Jesus performed appears in ALL 4 Gospels? Feeding of the 5000
How many cubits wide was the entrance to the Tabernacle? 20 cubits
According to John 3, what does it mean in Greek to be “born again”? “born from above”
What is the Shema? Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God. The Lord is one. Dt. 6:4-9
Which psalm includes numerous prophesies of Christ on the cross? Psalm 22
When was Christ crucified? AD
In what book and chapter do we find the story of the Tower of Babel? Genesis 11
What are the words that precede the cross references in Isaiah 30:22? Idols, Gold, Menstrual, and you!
How many years were there between the Old and New Testament? About years
What is Elephantine Papyri? Aramaic - Contracts and letters document life among the Jews who fled to southern Egypt after Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 B.C.
In the New Testament, what does the term “brotherly love” mean? Always means love for fellow believers in Christ, all of whom have the same Heavenly Father
Which Old Testament festival is to be celebrated every 50 years? Year of Jubilee
When was Joseph sold in slavery? 1898 BC
What furniture was in the Tabernacle? Ark of the Covenant, lamp stand, table, incense altar, bronze altar