Greek Penmanship Workshop
Greek Letters Used in Mathematics Αα alpha Β β beta Γγ gamma Δδ delta Εε epsilon Ζζ zeta Ηη eta Θθ theta Ιι iota Κ κ κ kappa Λλ lambda Μμ mu Νν nu Ξξ xi Οο omicron Ππ pi Ρρ rho Σσ sigma Ττ tau Υυ upsilon Φ φ phi Ψψ psi Ωω omega χ X chi Letters that resemble Latin letters are not used in Mathematics.
A Note on Pronunciation 0 English-speaking mathematicians use neither ancient nor modern pronunciation of the names of the Greek letters. They use traditional English pronunciation. 0 Mathematicians around the world pronounce the names of Greek letters in a way that is traditional to their language. 0 Greek mathematicians living in Greece use modern pronunciation of Greek letters.
alpha /al-fuh/ beta /bay-tuh/ gamma /gam-muh/ How to Write Greek Letters
epsilon /epp-sill-on/ zeta /zay-tuh/ delta /dell-tuh/
eta /ay-tuh/ theta /thay-tuh/ kappa /cap-uh/ start
lambda /lam-duh/ mu /myoo/ nu /noo/
xi /k-sigh/ pi /pie/ rho /r-oh/
sigma /sig-muh/ tau /tah-oh/ phi /f-eye or fee/ start
chi /k-eye/ psi /sigh/ omega /oh-may-guh/
θε ενδ