The Spanish Alphabet “El abecedario” Con Vocabulario
Some notes on the Spanish alphabet… In English, sometimes vowels take on different pronunciations Pronounce the following words: –naked, baked –water, later –roaring, pouring In Spanish, % of the time, vowels keep the same pronunciation, making it very easy to pronounce the word if you know how each letter is pronounced
Aa [ah]
A,a Á●gui●la
Bb [be]
B,b Bi●ci●cle●ta
Cc [se]
C,c Ca ●ma
Ch [che]
Chi●le CH
Dd [de]
D,d De●do
Ee [e]
E,e Es●cue●la
Ff [effe]
F,f Fal●da
Gg [gggheaaa]
G,g Ga●to
Hh [ah-che]
H,h Ham●bur●gue●sa
Ii [eee]
I,i In●vier●no
Jj [hota]
J,j Ju●gue●te
Kk [kah]
K,k Koa●la
Ll [ellay]
L,l Lá●piz
ll [ay-yay]
Ll Lla●ves
Mm [emm-eh]
M,m Ma●ri●po●sa
Nn [enn-eh]
N,n Na●riz
ñ [en-yay]
Ñ,ñ Ñan●du
Oo [oh]
O,o O●jo
Pp [peh]
P,p Pan
Qq [kuu]
Q,q Que●so
Rr [ere]
R,r Re●ga●lo
rr [errrrrre] (roll tongue)
rr Pe●rro
Ss [ese]
S,s Sa●ca●pun●tas
Tt [te]
T,t Te●lé●fo●no
Uu [oo]
U,u U●vas
Vv [ve]
V,v Va●so
Ww [doblay ve]
W,w Waf●le
Xx [eh-kees]
X,x Xi●ló●fo●no
Yy [ig-ree-egg-ah]
Y,y Yo●gur
Zz [zeta]
Z,z Za●pa●to
¡Que Bueno! You are now a master of the abecedario…