There is a battle on for the souls of the youth of Africa…
J-Life Africa is a Missions organisation that lives to model itself on how Jesus lived and ministered. JJ stands for Jesus’ Life ii ff ee -- L L
Mission Statement JJ Africa ii ff ee -- L L “Mobilise Disciplemaking Youth Movements throughout the Church of Jesus Christ in Africa”
The VISION arose out of a desire that… Jesus’ Life will… Impact Youth… Impact Africa Africans would impact Africa The church would be equipped for youth Disciplemaking There would be a movement of Disciplemaking in Africa Jesus’ Life will… Impact Youth… Impact Africa Africans would impact Africa The church would be equipped for youth Disciplemaking There would be a movement of Disciplemaking in Africa
DNA Jesus is our model for life and ministry Disciplemaking is our mission Love is our motive Organic ministry is our method The Holy Spirit is our means Fruit is our measure The Gospel remains our message The Church is our medium Youth are our mandate Relationships is our momentum Leading servants is our motto Kingdom obedience is our master Jesus is our model for life and ministry Disciplemaking is our mission Love is our motive Organic ministry is our method The Holy Spirit is our means Fruit is our measure The Gospel remains our message The Church is our medium Youth are our mandate Relationships is our momentum Leading servants is our motto Kingdom obedience is our master JJ Africa ii ff ee -- LL
An Individual’s Disciplemaking Process (IDP)
Preparation Period Building a Disciple Making Movement PERSON: Character, Call, Competency PURPOSE
Holy Spirit dependence Holy Spirit dependence Prayer Prayer Obedience to a Kingdom agenda Word Word Exalting the Father Relationships Relationships Building a Disciple Making Movement PERSON: Character, Call, Competency PURPOSE PERSON: Character, Call, Competency PURPOSE
Building a Disciple Making Movement
Process Training At the heart of J-Life is the philosophy that Process Training is the most effective way of transferring DNA.
GC 2 Alpha Groups Trains 1 st Generation Trains 2 nd Generation Trains 3 rd Generation
3 mth Prac 2 day Training Implementation & Coaching 2 day Training 2 3 mth Prac 2 day Training 3 mth Prac Total of… 8 days training 12 mths implementation 2 day Training 3 Mth Prac 1 day Re- orientation GC 2 Alpha Groups Found ations
GC 2 Groups 1 st Generation trainees receive Manual for each module PowerPoint for each module DVD training tool for preparation 60 day Devotional on Jesus’ life Soft copy of Manual for Gen 2 Soft copy of manual for Gen 3 Training implementation
7 Wk Prac 4 Wk Training T 1 Practical evaluation and coaching 2 Wk Training T 2 10 Wk Prac 3 Wk Training T 3 10 Wk Prac Total of… 11 weeks training 35 weeks practical's 2 Wk Training T 4 8 Wk Prac 1 Wk Re- orientation GC 2 Beta Groups
T1 Outcomes: Establish Community Understanding of Personal Min (SHAPE) Personal Breakthrough - EQ Implementation of Spiritual Disciplines Understanding Passion, Purpose, Process and Product Understanding Environ for Healthy YM Ministry Tools: Schools Ministry Mentoring Ministry Evaluation Characteristics of a Leader T2 Outcomes: Understand Foundations for a Healthy Ministry Understanding a Biblical Ministry Paradigm Establish Community Ministry Tools: Run Small Groups Programming to Strategy Inductive Bible Study T3 Outcomes: Developing a 1-3 year Ministry Plan Understand how to create a Winning environment Establish Community Able to Programme at Commitment Levels Being able to plan and run a STM Able to train youth to share their faith personally Understand and implement sports ministry Create and environment for evangelism through 3 winning contexts T4 Outcomes: Understand how to create and environment that multiplies Observe other disciple making ministries Grow in leadership skills Finalize a 1-2 year ministry plan GC 2 Beta Groups