SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON In his session, Alan asked if we believe in these two statements and then posed a question. “Small groups are the purest form of the Church” and “The Church exists for the world.” Have we built our small group ministry to exist for the church? What do we want the focus of our small group ministry to be?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON Alan said, “If we want to live like Jesus, we’ve got to live it and stop talking about it.” What should the ultimate purpose for community within our small group settings be? What do we need to change to achieve that purpose?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON How does our small group ministry interpret the command to “make disciples”? How do we equip our small groups in disciple-making? What are some ways we can come alongside small group leaders and equip them to make disciples?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON Do you think our small groups are successful? What defines a successful small group? Why do you think some of our small groups are struggling? How can we better equip those small groups?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON What is our church’s philosophy on church staff participation in small groups?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON How do we, as church staff, show our commitment to small groups? What message does our participation give to other staff members? What message does our participation give to our volunteers and church body?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON Alan shared how small groups will either impact a community positively or negatively, stating that “no impact” is a negative impact. What impact do you think our small groups generally have on their communities? How can we encourage our small groups to become launching pads to impact their communities for Christ?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON Do we need to help those small groups that have no (negative) impact change their focus?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON Alan shared how, in heaven, we’re going to have eternity to study the Bible, forever to fellowship, and have better meals with friends than we ever had on earth – but we won’t have a single conversation with someone who doesn’t know Christ. How does that relate to our small group ministry? Would our small groups feel compelled to do anything different by that statement?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON Alan referenced Phil. 2:5-11 as he talked about how Jesus was exalted above every other name because of His sacrifice. He said, “Sacrifice means giving up something you love for something that you love even more. It’s trading in… trading up.” Is there anything we need to sacrifice in small group ministry?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON How can we help our small groups and small group leaders use their interests, location, energy, experience and faith to reach out in the world? Who are we currently partnering with in the community to be on mission?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON Can we think of some other organizations we can begin partnering with to connect with our small groups?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON In the group interview that included other small group pastors, they all talked about small groups getting beyond the inward focus of caring for each other and becoming outwardly focused. Do our small groups focus more on relationship building or are they reaching out?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON How can an outward-focused small group help our people go deeper in their relationships as they go deeper in their community? How can we encourage both?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON You could see in the group interview the different approaches that small group pastors have in directing their small groups’ content and activity. How would you define our strategy in equipping and connecting our small groups?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON Is there a way that our small groups need more specific help in study tools and training? Do our small group leaders need more specific help in training? Do our small groups need more specific direction and connection in reaching out?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON How does Alan’s message line up with the mission, vision and values of our small groups?
SESSION FIVE: ALAN DANIELSON Did Alan say anything that goes against our current small group strategies? Did he say anything that would cause us to refocus or rethink some of our strategies?