Triads (within Life Groups) 1.Share name, major, where you’re from, etc. 2.When is the last time you wrote a real letter (as opposed to or texting)? 3.What is the most meaningful letter or note you’ve ever received?
The first epistle of John (near page 844)
1 John Background Date: A.D Author: John, the Apostle Nearing end of his lifetime Son of thunder Disciple whom Jesus loved Readers: circular letter (no greetings) Context: False teaching about salvation
False Teachings 1.Cerinthians: a.Jesus was only a man b.The divine Christ descended on him at baptism & left before crucifixion 2.Docetists: Jesus only appeared to be human 3.Gnostics: a.“New” knowledge b.Spiritual & material distinction
Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith (p )
“The Emergent Mystique” article interviewing Bell & his wife Christianity Today, 2004
1 John Background
Three Tests for Salvation 1.Doctrinal
1 Timothy 4:1-2
2 Timothy 4:3-4
Three Tests for Salvation 1.Doctrinal Who is Jesus? Is He God or merely a man? Do you believe the Bible is God’s infallible, inspired Word? 2.Moral Are you living righteously? Or, are there areas of hidden sin that you don’t want to bring into the light? 3.Social Who is your life is difficult to love? Do you have hatred, bitterness, or unforgiveness towards someone?
Life Group Questions 1.What part of tonight’s message impacted you most? 2.Which test are you most likely to pass (doctrine, moral, social)? Why? 3.Which test are you most likely to fail? Why? 4.If you were to die tonight, how sure are you (0-100%) that you’d go to heaven? Why? 5.Is there anything in your life God is asking you to change? 6.Pray for each other regarding tonight’s message and/or other personal requests you have.