Business Leadership Program Leeds School of Business University of Colorado at Boulder Desireé C. Ramirez Program Coordinator Office of Diversity Affairs
BLP Video How much does it cost? IT’s ALL FREE Students will be tasked with creating an image campaign for real corporate sponsors. The final presentation will be presented to a panel of judges. Students will be competing for a $1000 scholarship to Leeds June 9-15, 2013
Commercial THE BIG DAY: Present it all to a Panel of Corporate Judges to WIN Day in the Life of a BLPer CU BOULDER EVENTS FOOD LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES TEAMS
Applying for BLP Application Deadline: April 1, 2013 To apply for the Business Leadership Program, send us: 1) A completed application form 2) A completed Recommendation Form from one of your high school officials 3) An official high school transcript 4) Your resume 5) Your essay *Get your application!* Pick one up from your guidance counselor Call to have one mailed Download one at Apply directly online at High School Juniors & Seniors
THANK YOU! Any Questions? Desireé C. Ramirez Program Coordinator Office of Diversity Affairs