Renate Chancellor, Ph.D. CUA School of Library & Information Science January 30, 2009 E.J. Josey: A Transformative Leader in the Modern Library Profession
E.J.J Early Chronology Born in Norfolk, Virginia, 1924 Served in the Army, A.B in Music, Howard University, 1949 Master’s in History, Columbia University, 1950 Master’s Library Science, SUNY, 1952
E.J.J Professional Roles Free Library of Philadelphia (1953) Delaware State College ( ) Savannah State Library ( ) Chief Bureau of New York ( ) University of Pittsburgh ( )
E.J.J Major Contributions Introduced historic resolution that prevented ALA officials from associating with state library associations that refused membership to everyone, 1964 Founded the Black Caucus of the ALA, 1970 President of the ALA in 1984 Published 300+ articles and 13 monographs
Research Questions Two overarching research questions: What is the impact of Josey’s leadership on the LIS profession? In what ways did he transform the profession?
Theoretical Framework Transformative leader is a person who can guide, direct, and influence others to bring about a fundamental change; both externally and through internal processes (Burns, 1978).
Bernard Bass Model (1985) Idealized Influence (leader becomes role model) Inspirational Motivation (motivator, provides meaning and challenge) Intellectual Stimulation (creativity) Individual Consideration (mentoring)
Methodology Historical Method - Techniques and guidelines that use primary sources and other evidentiary materials to research and write history
Data-Gathering oral history interviews documentary research
Oral History 30 oral history interviews Contemporaries, Colleagues & Adversaries
Documentary Research ALA Archives University of Pittsburgh Archives North Carolina Central University Savannah State College State University of New York, Albany
Findings Josey is a transformative leader Exhibited signs of leadership as a child Community had a major role in his development as a leader - family - church - school - professional work environment Colleagues (librarians and library educators agree with his contemporaries
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