Jesus = Founder of Christianity He was born around 8 to 4 B.C., in Bethlehem What we know about him is based on the writings in the New Testament of the Bible (the Gospels)
Jesus Jesus grew up in Nazareth He was baptized at age 30 by cousin John the Baptist
Jesus For 3 years, he preaches love, forgiveness; and performs miracles He had 12 disciples, (Apostles)
Jesus His followers believe he was the Jewish Messiah—savior He was called Christ—Greek for messiah
Final Days The Roman gov’t & religious leaders feel Jesus, was a threat In Jerusalem, Jesus betrayed by a disciple, Judas Iscariot
Final Days Jesus was arrested, tried, crucified; His disciples believe he was resurrected
Beginnings of Christianity His disciples spread Jesus’ teachings and the belief that he was the Messiah Christianity develops from Jewish roots, and spreads around world