Current System There is no system currently in our country to check the authenticity of the vehicle online. Currently there is no system in the country to write vehicle theft report online. Currently the work done by the RTO is manually.
Current System There is no direct interaction of general people to any of the department If somebody need loan and insurance then they have to go to manually to the bank and insurance company.
Objectives Of The Vehicle Monitoring System By vehicle monitoring system, police department can check authenticity of vehicle. Reduce travel time and cost in finding out the information about a vehicle A person can apply for,granting of loan,insurance directly using our system.
R.T.O can get the whole information about the vehicle very easily. All the Data related to RTO goes online.
R.T.O can change the ownership of the vehicle with the help of this system. This system is also provide the facilities of on line Insurance to the user.
MODULAR DESCRIPTION There are five modules in this system : 1 Vehicle monitoring 2 R.T.O. 3 INSURANCE 4 LOAN 5 HELPLINE
Vehicle module Police can identifying the vehicle with the help of Registration number, engine number and chassis number. The user can submit thefting report of the vehicle. Police can easily check the weather any report is registered against the vehicle or not.
R.T.O module The R.T.O. can register the vehicle with the help of this system. The R.T.O can easily check the penalty details of vehicle with the help of registration number. The R.T.O can change the ownership of the vehicle. R.T.O can check the details of vehicle and owner of the vehicle. In Helpline, the person can send their query, suggestion,complaint and the solution of their problem send to their id
loan module In the loan module we provide the on line facilities for filling the application form. User can get the loan details by loan number.
Insurance module The user can get insurance for his vehicle at any time. User can check insurance status with the help of insurance number.
Helpline module In Helpline, the user can send their query, suggestion, complaint to any department. The solution of their problems will send to the user by this system.
INNOVATIVE FEATURES Real time application that will reduce stealing of the vehicles. This system also save a lot of time. This system also save a lot of paper work. Helpline with the utility (that will inform to the user when there is a due date in the case of loan or completion of insurance period etc.)
HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT Client Side: Hardware Specification: 1.A desktop with 1+GHz Processor MB RAM, 56+ Kbps Internet Connection. Software Specification: 1.An Operating System (Windows 2000 / XP). 2. A Web Browser (Internet Explorer 6.0+, Mozilla Firefox 1.5, Opera 7.0+).
Server Side: Hardware Specification: 1.Processor -Min. Intel Pentium IV 2.Memory -2 GB RAM 3.HDD -80 GB or More Software Specification 1.O.S. -Windows 2000 Server 2.Web Server - Tomcat Front End -JSP 4.Back End -SQL Server
lone fro. Vehicle Bank loan v.no O. id ch no. Loan no. d. date I from insurance Ins. No. Ins. date RTO paper s inf. police Fir no. p.no Reg no. R no.
WORK DONE AS ON PRESENTATION DATE Requirement & analysis Data collection Design phase cont…
Future scope In future we would like to implement Global positioning system (GPS) in this system to monitor the actual position of a vehicle. In the future we would like to implement the credit card system for payment. Future scope of this project is the acceptance of this project by Indian government under e-Governance schema.
CONCLUSION The main purpose of this system is to provide the security of vehicle This also help in online insurance, loan and getting the information about R.T.O. This system is user friendly system. Authorized person get the information of vehicle owner, address of owner, authentication of vehicle. This system also helpful for reducing the work of R.T.O and police
REFERENCES R.T.O Police Department Banks Insurance companies