Developing Haulage Profiles (Part of Getting the Truck Cycle Time) ©Dr. B. C. Paul 2000 revised 2008 Note – The instructor prepared the basic steps and methods in these slides from prevailing industrial practices, and widely Available handbooks and manufactures recommendations. The program includes screen shots from the FPC program developed by Caterpillar Equipment Company. Data input Methods shown are obviously geared to that program.
Next We Check Cycle Times to Determine How Many Trucks are Needed l To date our 10 trucks is based on a cycle time out of thin air. l To make things more solid we need to trace out the route, figure how fast the trucks can cover it l Add any fixed cycle time elements to the moving cycle
First Step to Address this is to Identify the route l Part 1 - Divide the Haulroad into segments with similar characteristics l Part 2 - Determine Peak Vehicle Speed Performance on Segments Check for Traction Requirements l Part 3 - Adjust Peak to Average Speeds
Continued l Part 4 - Total Up Draft Cycle Time l Part 5 - Check for Tire Overheating l Part 6 - Calculate Draft Fleet Match l Part 7 - Check for Bunching and Adjust
Continued l Part 8 - Calculate Fleet Economics l Part 9 - Compare Fleets and Make Selection
Dividing Haulage Profile l Road Segments Divide When There is a major change in grade (slope) There is a major change in underfoot conditions There is a major change in vehicle operating considerations Starting Stopping Major Turns
What is Major? l Depends in part on what you are doing Computer Methods favor greater detail Hand methods favor more moderation l Good intuitive Check is whether sustained enough to change vehicle speed
Example Haulage Profile l Producing 5 million tons a year of Limestone from a Quarry l Returning Truck 550 feet level from gyratory crusher down 400 foot 10% ramp 40 feet flat at an interchange down 400 foot 10% ramp 3900 foot level on bench to Load
Haulage Profile l Point to Note - the 3900 foot approached a load area May need to break the final approach for speed restriction Could also add a more drastic adjustment for average speed l Truck Loads l Loops 2900 foot level on bench Same point on breaking start
Rest of Profile l 400 feet up 10% ramp after a hard turn l 40 feet on level through interchange l 400 feet up 10% ramp l 550 feet level to gyratory crusher l Dump into Gyratory
Lets Input that into FPC I will pick the Haulage Road Tab Program complains That I have not yet Done costs for my Equipment (Thank you but I Don’t want to do That until later)
Input My Haul Course Identification Real mines have Multiple courses – Only my example Has just one Give a description Make a decision on Whether a faster Truck can pass a Slower one.
A Passing Question l Caterpillar has done a lot of time studies l Program assigns more than possible speed characteristic to a truck Mimics full simulation of moving trucks It needs to know what to do if a truck catches up
This is the Screen Where I Have to Tell the Program About My Materials Of course I have been Checking trucks and Guessing about Matches all along but The program needs To be able to check As it calculates production I can type in my densities or click select material And use Cat’s built in materials table.
Pick Broken Limestone This is actually the Same table I was Using all along Pick and click ok
Now All I Need is to Fill In My Tonnage Note that this feature Would let me mine Different parts of My total material from Different benches Accessed by Different haul routes.
Now I’m Ready for My Haulage Route I need to decide Whether to do a Loaded haul or Empty return first In my description I Started with an empty Return so I will do That here as well.
Start My Input I know my first Segment is 550 feet On a 0% grade Away from the crusher
Type in the Rest of the Empty Return Haulage Profile Now click radio Button to start input Of loaded haul Note that if I need to Insert a segment I Missed or delete one I put in by mistake That I have buttons For that purpose.
The Mirror Option Sometimes haul and Return are over Same roads in Opposite directions. I can instantly input An opposite return Route with the mirror Option.
Type in the Rest of the Haulage Profile for Loaded Truck Note at this point I have input Distance Grade of the road (measured as a %) A description of What the road Segment is. (helps Keep things organized)