FP420 Low and high voltage supply INFN/Univ. of Torino Sep. 2007
HV-LV supply segmentation Damage depends on distance from the beam. Required bias voltage and current increase with radiation dose. Drawing: From Ray Thompson PT1000 Temperature sensor? Pixels:50x400um and 400x50um MCC: Module Controller Chip 1 Superlayer = 2 Hybrids/Blades 4 detectors 2D 1 MCC 1 Read-out interface
HV+LV and temperature channel count HV: 0 to -100V LV: 1.6V,2.0V One SuperlayerOne pocketOne stationFp420 experiment 4 det.+ FE+1MCC with 5 Superlayerswith 3 pocketswith 4 stations Low voltage High voltage Si detector Temperature monitor channels One SuperlayerOne pocketOne stationFp420 experiment With one probewith 5 Superlayerswith 3 pocketswith 4 stations Temperature Gastof and Quartic channel count and level????
Commercial: Caen Wiener is similar Cryostat 2 LHC tunnel EASY 3000 A3486 2x48V Power A ch LV A ch LV A ch LV A ch LV A ch LV A3009 A3501 A3801 EASY 3000 A ch HV A3540 A3006 FP420 pocket FP420 pocket FP420 pocket 10m Quartic Gastof CMS and Atlas counting room SY1527 A1676A Crate Ctl A1676A Crate Ctl Atlas / CMS Slow control 500m Cryostat 1 LHC tunnel EASY 3000 A3486 2x48V Power A ch LV A ch LV A ch LV A ch LV A ch LV A3009 A3501 A3801 EASY 3000 A ch HV A3540 A3006 FP420 pocket FP420 pocket FP420 pocket 10m Quartic Gastof
CAEN: EASY3000 crate, 3 pockets Silicon detector+Quartic+Gastof A3009: LVA3501: HV A3801: TempMon A3540, HV A3006, LV Spare: 14 Slots A3486: 2 x 48V Gastof/Quartic crate Silicon tracker
Wiener solution Also proposed an all-in-tunnel solution which however needs hardware modifications and radiation tests Radiation tests required
CAEN, EASY3000 modules, Radiation status
Rad test facilities SEU (Single event upset): (Proton) –TSL proton beam at Uppsala in Sweden which has a diameter of 15 to 20cm NIEL (Non Ionising Energy Loss) : (neutron) –PROSPERO nuclear reactor at Valduc near Dijon in France which produces neutrons at 1Mev energy TID (Total Ionising dose): (Gamma) –cobalt 60 source in Cassacia in Italy near rome ….
CAEN: Can bus test over 520m need to add those bias resistors, to improve noise margin
CAN bus collision error Example of collision. B end is transmitting, then A suddenly starts transmitting as well (upper trace) => collision and broken communciation. =A transmitted data =A received data =B end cable signal B sends A sends
Conclusions on communication cable test With CAEN’s implementation, of 250kbaud, timing violations are detected : Need either 125kbaud or modify timing of can bus = modification can only be done by CAEN (20k€) Cable bandwidth SCEM xxx.x allows 1Mbaud Clock transmission has been tested to work with a duty cycle distortion of <10% at 1MHz This family of cables would support the CAN bus communication at 125kBaud over 500m using the standard CAN aribtration and protocol. EASY3000 crate may catch fire!
Status Sep CAEN solution is at the most advanced state: Will fit into the tunnel in 3(4) crates includes: –Temperature monitor –Quartic/Gastof supplies (=1 crate) –Very few long cables: Power 400V+communication+48V –May need 400V noise filter A3000NF (ask Detlef for <200W). This module has not been rad. tested but its an entirely passive components. Could be outside of tunnel! Wiener supply solution: –LV in tunnel. HV in Counting room. But also a all-in-tunnel version –Temperature in counting room HV 100V(ok?) module A3501 has not been radition tested. Equivalent to A3540 (12x4KV) which is approved for Atlas
Conclusion on power supplies Both CAEN and Wiener are still candidates Wiener and CAEN need radiation tests CAEN need customization on communication Wiener need customization on HV in their all-in-tunnel solution
Actions Specify radiation requirements and test protocol for Wiener (and for CAEN) Find locations for above radiation qualification tests for Wiener and for CAEN Radiation test CAEN HV 3501(Si bias) and A3006 (4-16V Gastof /Quartic)