CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAM Reporting The Crime: The Offense Report
PREPARING FOR THE REPORT Organizing your evidence and information Check with dispatch for updated data Log in the evidence Begin the report
WRITING THE REPORT PAGE ONE:First Section Type of Call Case Number Date/Time of Report Date/Time of Offense 10/23 Date/Time Type of Report (Offense or Incident) Department Code or Signal for Call
More writing PAGE ONE: SECOND SECTION Who made the call? Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Hair, Eyes, Ht., Wt. The Victim/Complainant Complete Address and Phone Number The Victim/Complainant’s Employer The Employer’s Phone Number
OH No! More writing PAGE ONE: THIRD SECTION Location of Offense (Complete) Directions to Location
TIME FOR YOUR PROBABLE CAUSE OR “MO” PAGE ONE: FIFTH SECTION How many witnesses?...Suspects? Incident or Offense? Probable Cause “MO” Composition
THE BOTTOM LINE PAGE ONE: LAST SECTION Who is writing the report? Supervisor’s Approval? 10/99 Entered by Dispatch? Date of Report? Time of Report?
VEHICLE/EVIDENCE INFO PAGE TWO: FIRST SECTION Vehicle Listing: Stolen? Recovered? Abandoned? Vehicle: Type/Make/Model/Year/License Plate/State of Registration/VIN Value Condition Other Remarks
TIME FOR WEAPONS! PAGE TWO: SECOND SECTION Weapon Description Code (See Handout) Quantity Description Caliber Serial Number Model Value
BURGLARY INFORMATION PAGE TWO: LAST SECTION Was it a Burglary? How did the did suspect enter the home? Home Accessible? IE: Unlocked? Forced Entry? Inside Job? How did the Suspect leave?
DETAILS… DETAILS!!!! PAGE THREE: THE MEAT OF IT Restate “MO” (See Example) State Dispatched or On View Tell the Story Identify yourself as “Reporting Officer” (R/O) “Not your name” Use R/O in the rest of the report Identify Victim, Suspect, Witnesses using titles in parenthesis throughout the report NO PRONOUNS!!!!!
THE FINISHING TOUCH! IDENTIFYING THE PEOPLE & VEHICLES PAGE FOUR Restate the Case Number What role did they play? Who are they? (Complete) How are they related to the victim/complainant? Was a Vehicle used in the crime? How? Identify the vehicle (Complete)