Content Key factors for success Comparison of cultures Synergy (best of both) Company Vision company Mission company Goals Company culture Type of company culture SWOT Strategy Alternatives Selection criteria Priority actions Risks Solutions for risks Reflection
Consensus (dessicions) Make plessure Participation by all individuals Ac tive and respect each other Teamwork Success Fundament
Comparison in culture (input for total project) NL versus CZ Inner v.s. Outer directed (1 - 7) Collectivism v.s. Individualism (3-8) High v.s. low power distance (5-9) Specific v.s. Diffuse (1 – 8) Decision making (7-2) Universal v.s. Particularism (6 -8) Source: Hofstede & Trompenaars & Day I BSN International Management Scale 1 to 10 (1 = low 10 is high)
Synergy (Best of both) CZ: Relation minded Loyal workers Creativity NL: Decision makers Low power distance
Logistic company Why? -Center of Europe (central position) -Cheap labor -Existing knowledge and technology -Growing market
Vision Company Become one of the biggest transport companies towards all the companies that want to distribute their products Company will be a platform, able to roll out the success to surrounding countries. Selective acquisition policy (EU), combined with strategic alliances (rest of world) will create a competitive and distinctive position.
Mission We want to be the preferred supplier of the total category of transport. We want to play a leading role in the development of our category (transport) Quality, reliability and profitability are the framework to act within.
Goals 1.Cheap and efficient transport 2.A range from km from Praag 3.1 day delivery 4.Quality will be in the same condition 5.Company that will be recognized in transport world
Company culture 1.Flat organizations (low hierarchy) 2.Task orientated (each customer is a project) 3.All drivers work under the same conditions (truck / clothing etc.) 4.Flexible organization (1 week drive / 1 week storage) 5.All employees will be proud to work for the company (marketing)
Type of company culture Source: Trompenaars & Handy Egalitarian Hierarchical Task orientated Personal Incubator Family
SWOT Strengths Central Europe (position) 2 Cultures Task orientated management Knowledge Flexibility Speed Opportunities Growing market Gate to Eastern Europe Cultural integration Globalisaton Weaknesses No see Language Culture differences Threads Competition Economical situation (salary price increase due to EU)
Strategy 1.Have a logistic center and warehouse in CZ close to highway, railway etc.
Alternatives 1.Set up a complete new company - Greenfield development from zero -CZ drivers, NL + CZ Management -New company culture 2. Take over an existing logistic company -Remove management -Keep CZ drivers -Implement new company culture 3. Joint venture -start working with existing company -Invest -Deliver knowledge
Selection criteria Alter- natives Reach goal (10) Time (4)Invest- ment (8) Culture management (7) ROI (6)Total New Take over Joint venture
Priority actions 2006/2007 Hard aspects 1. Investment budget 2. Building 3. Trucks 4. Ware house 5. Etc Soft aspects 1. Culture: - Create awareness of the differences - Learn how to respect them - Find a way to reconcile them 2. Psychological contract 3. Recruitment and training (assessment for truck drivers) 4. Teambuilding on a yearly base 5. Job rotations 6. Company values
Risks 1.Capable workers 2.Workers according psychological contract 3.Communication
Solution for risk Local requirement agency -Training -Assesment All the people will be able to speak English and CZ Standardization of assignments All the employees must be aware of Company Values
Reflection (Groups process) An optimal result Fun to work with each other Active and respectful participation Focusing to subject could be better
-Awareness of cultural difference -We have learned to respect them -We have found a we to reconcile them -Strategy and culture must fit to be successful -Easier to implement desired culture in a new company, then in a existing company -The tools of Trompenaars, Handy and Hofstede are useful to work with Reflection (Learning points)
We respect our customers and workers values. This will lead to better products and services, witch makes our workers and customers HAPPY