Disaster Planning Drills and Readiness Assessment Mary Massey, R.N., B.S.N. Disaster Coordinator Anaheim Memorial Medical Center Anaheim, CA
TYPES OF DRILLS Facility Net/County MMRS (Metropolitan Medical Response System) Statewide
KEY LESSONS LEARNED Identify the objectives Bring all the players together Build the relationships
Bring all the players together Bring the players together BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS
COMMUNITY-WIDE PLAN JCAHO Emergency Preparedness standard 1.6 Section O: alternate roles and responsibilities of personnel during emergencies, including who they report to within a command structure that is consistent with that used by the local community
Hospital Emergency Incident Command System (HEICS)
HEICS: emergency management system unifies hospitals with other emergency responders Chain of command Common terminology Flexible
OTHER LESSONS LEARNED Mistakes are OK –document the problems –find a solution –test it at the next drill
STANDARDIZED FORMS Patient tracking forms HEICS job action sheets Standardized critique forms
ECONOMICS HEICS website HRSA funding MMRS funding Office of Domestic Preparedness classes Creativity and elbow grease
TRAINING Having the best disaster drill ideas in the world won’t work unless everyone knows the plan
STANDARDIZED FORMS Patient tracking forms HEICS job action sheets Standardized critique forms