PROGRAM OVERVIEW DNP Program has been offered at UF since 2007 We have just completed a major curriculum revision and we believe that our program is better than ever! BSN-DNP and Post-Master’s DNP options are available BSN-DNP ranges from credits depending on specialty MSN-DNP program is 35 credits
ON-CAMPUS ATTENDANCE Attendance at Orientation and at CON Research Day is expected Limited on-campus attendance required for BSN-DNP students for advanced health assessment and 1-2 procedures courses On-campus required days are noted upon course registration Classes and exams are on-line, although rare synchronous on-line presence may be required for clinical seminars and presentations Clinicals (BSN-DNP students) can be arranged in student’s home town.
CURRICULUM PLAN Curriculum plans will be distributed after lunch Signed curriculum plans are kept in your student files and we guarantee that the listed courses will be available when you need them. Courses must be taken in listed sequence; variations will lead to delayed graduation
CLINICAL EXPECTATIONS FOR PROGRAM Specialty track coordinators will be available after lunch to review clinical expectations for your designated clinical track
ADVISING General academic advisor for DNP students is Mailing Pauzauskie 352 She can assist you with enrollment BSN-DNP students should consult with their track coordinators for information about track specific courses Program Director consults with track coordinators and Mailing as needed
CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Stay on your curriculum plan! Not all courses are offered more than once per year The program is very time consuming and must be a top priority to ensure your success
CURRICULUM OVERVIEW: BSN-DNP First year is primarily didactic courses This is following by the track specific clinical sequence The DNP project course begins the second Spring term and lasts 4 semesters (4 credits) The residency experience consists of indirect hours and parallels the project. The focus of both of these experiences is the attainment of professional competencies: the UF program outcome standards and the national DNP Essentials.
CURRICULUM OVERVIEW: POST-MASTERS DNP Project and residency must be in the forefront of your minds from the start if you are a post-MSN student You must have a general topic idea and select a DNP Project Team your first semester since the first project course ocurrs in the second semester
SO WHAT IS THE DNP PROJECT ABOUT? DNP Projects are developed over 4 semesters Projects are guided by a 2 member Project team DNP projects focus on improved health care outcomes (not development of new knowledge) All projects should: Focus on a change that improves healthcare outcomes Have a systems focus Demonstrate implementation and evaluation Include dissemination of project results AACN, 2015
SOME EXAMPLES OF DNP PROJECTS Remember that the scope of project is focused and limited in order to get it finished in 4 semesters Some possibilities include Initial data collection on a topic to determine feasibility (pilot project) Quality Assurance Projects Developing or evaluating a new model of care Practice change initiatives Involvement in a larger team-based initiative
RESIDENCY Consists of indirect hours Indirect hours are professional leadership and advocacy activities that build DNP clinical leadership skills. Examples include: leadership in professional organizations, attending targeted continuing education, political engagement and activism, developing clinically related protocols or policies (Ex: EHR implementation), consulting activities, and specialized training. These activities must be authorized by the DNP project chair.
DNP CORE COURSES PREPARE YOU FOR PROJECT AND RESIDENCY Advanced Research Statistics Leading Quality Improvement Practice Initiatives Health Policy and Finance Organizational and systems leadership Healthcare Technology and Data management Population Health Promotion and Epidemiology Pharmacogenetics and genomics
BSN-DNP STUDENTS ALSO HAVE Advanced Health Assessment Pathophysiology Advanced Pharmacology 3 courses in track specific clinical management 3 clinical courses plus a final practicum Professional NP Role course
WE WELCOME YOU! Any Questions?