, Running Start 2009 Ready to Teach on Day 1
Participating Districts North Cohort Box Elder Weber Ogden Davis Tooele Granite Salt Lake Murray Jordan Canyons Wasatch Odyssey Charter School South Cohort Alpine Provo Nebo
Planning Began September 2008 Weber, Ogden, Davis, Tooele, Salt Lake, Granite, Jordan, Canyons, Alpine, Provo, Washington, and Nebo School districts Monthly planning meetings Two day planning retreat mid-May Weekly meetings commencing June 2009
Content Vital Teaching Behaviors Lesson planning, effective instruction, behavior management Theory, modeling, guided practice, independent practice Vital Coaching behaviors Relationship building, modeling, feedback, data collection Coaches received coach-specific training for addition hour each day Coaches attended Running Start with their new teacher(s)
Formative Assessment of the Training BSN Teachers Very high ratings of both the content and conduct of the training. Demonstrable gains from pretest and post- test measures of content knowledge. Mastery achieved by 90% of all BSN teachers on follow-up post-test.
Monitoring Coach Behavior: The First 30 Days Project Coaches self-reported their coaching activities on a weekly basis using an online reporting system during August and September Findings Coaches met frequently/regularly with BSNs Provided emotional support Did not formally observe very much Did not model More light coaching than heavy coaching
Formative Assessment of Training BSN Coaches Very high ratings of conduct of training High ratings of content of the training Demonstrable gains on pretest and post-test measures of content knowledge.
Insert teacher observations
Insert coach observations
Additional Ongoing Evaluation Surveys of Running Start BSNs Linking RS BSN responses to surveys to intensity and quality of coaching behaviors Surveys of Running Start coaches Additional qualitative assessments of RS teachers and coaches (e.g., Success Case Method) Additional online monitoring of RS Coaches