The Sakai/eduCommons/OCW Project Supporting OCW Site Creation John Dehlin Utah State University Joseph Hardin Zhen Qian University of Michigan
1/25/20062 Sakai - An Open Source Collaboration and Learning Environment A community and foundation—a group of people and resources supporting the code and each other, realizing large scale Open Source efficiencies A collaboration and learning product with: – A set of tools—written and supported by various groups and individuals—which have been tested and released as a unit An extensible framework for building collaboration tyools and services—provides basic capabilities to support a wide range of tools and services—teaching and research An LMS that also supports online research
1/25/20063 Support Teaching and Learning
1/25/20064 Support Distributed Research
1/25/20065 Bringing research to the classroom Bringing research to the classroom
1/25/20066 Tests & Quizzes Tool Discussion Tool Research Team Support OnLine Class Support Bringing it all online
1/25/20067 Sakai UM OCW Web Site or other Institutional Repository Publication Pipeline Digital Course Materials: (1) IP Management (2) Tagging OCW Categories (3) Exporting from CTools (4) QA and Review eduCommons tools Raw Course Content Vetted OCW Content Teaching Research Putting an OCW Pipeline in the LMS - OCW Publishing from Sakai Initial MIT OCW process has difficulty scaling. How can we support this process?
1/25/20068 Overview of Process Based on Hybrid Publishing Model Integrated with MIT Teaching Process PlanBuildTeach/ManagePublish Upstream foundational prep Recruit faculty Plan TEACHING version of course Plan OCW version of course Review existing content Identify & resolve IP (except permissions) Track IP by object in system Content development Collect/capture existing content Build content into LMS sections/templates Enter metadata Create commissioned works Process permission requests & make IP edits Live teaching and course administration Update/supplement materials Post announcements Assign, track, grade student work Interact (faculty-student and student-student) Open publication Perform course QA Obtain faculty approval Export to OCW site Support Renewal, archiving, and preservation Update course content Archive course content Color legend BLACKNormal teaching process BLUERequired for open publishing ORANGEFormer OCW steps eliminated HYBRID INTEGRATED PROCESS ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW Spec course/map contentReformat/clean up/ restructure/contextualize Enter content into CMS Perform authoring QA Perform final edit Perform production QA Respond to user feedback Review/refine metadata (MIT Library) Edit course for errors ELIMINATED STEPS External OCW Audiences MIT Faculty & Teaching Assistants Individual Teaching Web Sites MIT-Supported LMS OCW External Web Site Dspace Archive MIT-supported option Assume 80% participation Publish - OR - Individual/local supported option Assume 20% participation Robust authoring –Easy capture –Easy update Document managemt –Restricted teaching matls –Open teaching matls Import/export –Offline authoring –Self-publishing Multiple views Course admin Teach MIT Students Publishing tools –Embedded tracking code –Embedded license terms –IP tracking –Metadata tagging –Hi-design display templates –Preview capability –Downloadable ZIP files –Discussion group suppt –Archiving Workflow Archive Harvest for archi ving or publishing
1/25/20069 OCW Tool OCW Tool – Support for the Hybrid Process Support for Tagging in Sakai – Helping faculty, students create tags (metadata) for: IP status – Creative Commons+ OCW Navigation – MIT Categories Export – Choose what to put on OCW site
1/25/ PlanBuildTeach/ManagePublish Upstream foundational prep Recruit faculty Plan TEACHING version of course Plan OCW version of course Review existing content Identify & resolve IP (except permissions) Track IP by object in system Content development Collect existing content Build content into LMS sections or templates Enter metadata Create commissioned works Process permission requests & make IP edits Live teaching and course administration Update and supplement materials Post to , wikis, blogs, announcements, discussions, forums, IM Assign, track, grade student work Interact (faculty- student and student-student) through all channels above Open publication Perform course Quality Assurance Obtain faculty approval Export to OCW site BLACKNormal teaching process BLUERequired for open publishing We Like This Hybrid Model a Lot
1/25/ Planning & Training Upstream foundational preparation Recruit faculty Plan TEACHING version of course Plan OCW version of course Review existing content Identify & resolve IP (except permissions) Track IP by object in system BuildTeach/ManagePublish Planning Phase Includes “Training” for Faculty and Support Staff in Colleges and Depertments All done within LMS faculty are already familiar with IP Object tracking comes along with the use of the system Training has additional benefits in educating faculty on IP Support staff distributed throughout university
1/25/ BuildTeach/ManagePublish Teaching and Managing Course Materials All done within LMS faculty are already familiar with IP Object tracking can proceed throughout course Materials/Objects can be tagged with OCW categories (Syllabus, Lecture Notes, Assignments, etc.) wherever they come from, wiki, blog… Increasingly, objects tagged by system, eg, Assignments Collect existing content Build content into LMS sections or templates Enter metadata Create commissioned works Process permission requests & make IP edits Update and supplement materials Post to , wikis, blogs, announcements, discussions, forums, IM Assign, track, grade student work Interact (faculty- student and student-student) through all channels above
1/25/ Content Development and Teaching Proceed Throughout Course Period Take advantage of that – OCW Tool is available to add tags anytime in development or teaching Capture IP and OCW category metadata as class proceeds, as new material is developed Perhaps have a student ‘scribe’ who has permissions set to add metadata – when new document appears, they tag it – perhaps make this a class activity, develop student incentives (e.g., better future access) Have system flag incomplete data on objects – direct faculty or students to places of needed metadata BuildTeach/Manage
1/25/ OCW Tool + eduCommons Perform course Quality Assurance Obtain faculty approval Export to OCW site Publish QA done within eduCommons by staff – local or central Faculty receives an with the URL of the QA’d OCW site, decides whether or not to authorize publishing If NO, faculty given available support – local or central – supported through eduCommons workflow If YES, OCW site is published through eduCommons Open publication This work very much in progress, thanks to support from Hewlett Foundation, and ongoing efforts from Utah State University and the University of Michigan
1/25/ Sakai in Production Open Educational Resource Engines Text 4000 courses each year at U Michigan alone; more at UNISA (U South Africa)
1/25/ Questions, Comments For more info: Sakai/eduCommons/OCW Project Zhen Qian John Dehlin Joseph Hardin
1/25/ TrainingBuildTeach/ManagePublish Upstream foundational prep Recruit faculty Plan TEACHING version of course Plan OCW version of course Review existing content Identify & resolve IP (except permissions) Track IP by object in system Content development Collect existing content Build content into LMS sections or templates Enter metadata Create commissioned works Process permission requests & make IP edits Live teaching and course administration Update and supplement materials Post to , wikis, blogs, announcements, discussions, forums, IM Assign, track, grade student work Interact (faculty- student and student-student) through all channels above Open publication Perform course Quality Assurance Obtain faculty approval Export to OCW site Color legend BLACKNormal teaching process BLUERequired for open publishing
1/25/ PlanBuildTeach/ManagePublish Upstream foundational prep Recruit faculty Plan TEACHING version of course Plan OCW version of course Review existing content Identify & resolve IP (except permissions) Track IP by object in system Content development Collect existing content Build content into LMS sections or templates Enter metadata Create commissioned works Process permission requests & make IP edits Live teaching and course administration Update and supplement materials Post to , wikis, blogs, announcements, discussions, forums, IM Assign, track, grade student work Interact (faculty- student and student-student) through all channels above Open publication Perform course Quality Assurance Obtain faculty approval Export to OCW site BLACKNormal teaching process BLUERequired for open publishing We Like This Hybrid Model a Lot
1/25/ Implementation Publishing 1200 Courses Site Highlights Syllabus Course Calendar Lecture Notes Assignments Exams Problem/Solution Sets Labs and Projects Simulations Tools and Tutorials Video Lectures