Dr. Antipas L. Harris Associate Professor, Practical Theology R EGENT U NIVERSITY S CHOOL OF D IVINITY President, GIELD, Inc. & Antipas Enterprises, LLC. Twitter & Personal Website: Issachar Leadership Conference At The Mount | Chesapeake, VA
Examples of Generations Boomers, Generation X, Millennials
What Do We Need? Multigenerational or Intergenerational?
Multigenerational Ministry All individuals who experience an event or set of events at the same time constitute a generation. Most Churches are multigenerational by virtue of their make-up.
Intergenerational Ministry Intergenerational ministries result from the 'fresh contact' between generations. Ministries must be intentional to celebrate the differences and similarities of their multigenerational make-up.
Defining the Generational Cleavage At least two types of generational cleavage define multigenerational ministry: 1) Differences based on chronological age; 2) Differences in the length of time that members have been affiliated with a particular church.
Key Values to Move from Multigenerational Ministry to Intergenerational Ministry The Leadership Team The Preaching The Music Ministry Variations Co-existence
The Role of Multiple Generational Representation on Leadership Team
Varying Gifts of Leadership within Multigenerational Team
The issue of Preaching to Multigenerational Congregations
“Intergenerational Preaching as a Sacred Dance between Culture, Language and Meaning” by Andrew Carl Wisdom Culture is complex: “The deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, spatial relations, concepts of the universe and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.” Richard Porter and Larry Samover
Language is complex: “Language is not only a marker of cultural identity but can also be an indication of generational identity. It forms, creates and transmits the major meaning system of a generations' self-understanding and identity.” Andrew Carl Wisdom, 28 Meaning is complex: Meaning has to do with how one idea or concept relates to the other. It also has to do with the way that a generation tends to share interpretations of culture, language and symbolisms.
The Role of Music in Multigenerational Ministry
Psalms 147: 4–7 “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness. They shall pour forth the fame of our abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.”
Ministry that Addresses Generational Specific Needs
Shift the Paradigm From Multigenerationality to Intergenerationality Multigenerational Ministry Repeat button on iTunes No intersecting of generations (intentional or unintentional Intergenerational Ministry Shuffle button on iTunes “Intersection of generations Fuller Youth Institute (2011)
It is Necessary to Create bridges between Canyons, Connections between Generations
Generational Culture Coexistence
References and Other Materials Fuller Youth Institute (2011). All churches are multigenerational. Few are intergenerational. Retrieved from multigenerational#sthash.S9STwMtR.dpuf multigenerational#sthash.S9STwMtR.dpuf John Ortberg (2009) “The GAP: The Fractured World of Multi Generational Church Leadership.” Retrieved from l l Andrew Carl Wisdom, Preaching to a Multigenerational Assembly. Order of Saint Benedict, Collegeville, MI, 2004.
John Bolin, “The Core Ten for Multigen: Why Multigenerational Worship is Essential for the Church. Retrieved from multigen-why-multigenerational-worship-is-essential-for-the- church-by-john-bolin/ multigen-why-multigenerational-worship-is-essential-for-the- church-by-john-bolin/