Breathe Easy Haverfordwest A new support group for people with a lung condition starting in your area First meeting pm Tuesday 27 October 2009 WELCOME
Agenda Introductions Breathe Easy Overview & Questions Membership Tea Future Plans
Introductions Adrian Bailey Development Officer British Lung Foundation, Wales Llys Kearns Jersey Marine Swansea SA1 8QL
Breathe Easy Overview & Questions Breathe Easy is the British Lung Foundation self help group support network, which aims to provide a network of friends, advisers, events and activities that support and empower people affected by lung disease.
The key objectives that all Breathe Easy groups carry out are: To provide mutual support to its members for all people with lung disease, family, friends and carers from all sections of the community To provide information and education to its members tthrough organising guest speakers and the provision BLF leaflets / literature To promote the Breathe Easy group and the British Lung Foundation
Campaigning Breathe Easy Week 2009 was a great success for BLF Wales with events held up and down the country to raise awareness about the British Lung Foundation, Breathe Easy and lung disease.
Fundraising Breathe Easy Group raise money to : Cover running costs Support local lung health projects Contribute to the work British Lung Foundation Fundraising : a fun activity that also raises your groups local profile
Breathe Easy Llanelli fundraising Breathe Easy Llanelli took part in a fundraising abseil at Rhossili Point Members of the group, their friends and families and a number of volunteers from the local respiratory team took part
Breathe Easy Merthyr donate Oximeters to local respiratory team At their August meeting Chair Mary Lewis presented Dr Anthony Gibson, Consultant at Prince Charles Hospital, with their latest donation: 3 pulse oximeters
Social events, Cluster meetings and Annual Conference
Membership Open to all people with lung conditions, friends, carers, supporters and volunteers Complete membership form Added to BLF Wales data base Newsletter + mailings
Tea Break
Future Plans Name of Breathe Easy group Day & time of meeting Venue Publicity Decide on a Meeting Format Future meeting topics/speakers Appoint officers Launch event – official opening
Dates for 6 months Meet 4th Tuesday of the month 24 November December January February March April 2010
Book guest speakers for 6 months e.g. Physiotherapist, Pension Service, Home Fire Safety Checks, Care & Repair, Dietitian, Energy Saving, Expert Patients Program, Community Pharmacist, Chest Consultant, Assembly Member, Respiratory Specialist Nurse, Early Supported Discharge, Air Products, Community Transport, CVC Health, Social Care and Well Being Co-ordinator or Broker, Community Health Council,Occupational Therapist BLF Active or Exercise referral
Appoint officers When the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer roles are filled you are ready to open your groups bank account Help with all your responsibilities is available form the BLF Wales team
BLF Wales Team Chris Mulholland Head of the British Lung Foundation Wales Lorna Crook Administrator Adrian Bailey Development Officer South Wales Laura Talbot Development Officer for north and mid Wales Kate Cubbage Communications Officer
Group Rules & Regulations Breathe Easy groups are part of the British Lung Foundation, this brings both benefits and responsibilities as the British Lung Foundation is a charity regulated by the Charity Commission (Registered Charity of England and Wales – no Charity registered in Scotland – no. SC ) As part of the charity, Breathe Easy groups must abide by the rules of the British Lung Foundation and the laws governing the charity set out by the Charity Commission. As set out in the: Breathe Easy Groups’ Handbook Financial Guidelines
Start-up grant of £250 is available when: Officers appointed :Chair, Secretary and Treasurer roles filled Breathe Easy Group Constitution signed Regular meeting venue booked Programme for 6-months set Bank Account opened