Rural Community Councils David Wood Regional Development Officer Contact: or
the regional voice for the rural community 2 Agenda Introduce RCCs Describe the work of RCCs Describe the role of the regional organisation Suggest areas of support for development of sport in rural areas
the regional voice for the rural community 3 Confusion Warning! Rural Community Council or RCC is generic name for ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) Community Action Community First Rural Community Charity Voluntary Action Nothing to do with Local Authority Councils!
the regional voice for the rural community 4 What are they? Active in every English county Existed for up to 70 years Considerable knowledge and experience Registered charity Some have associated Trading Company Work in partnership Countryside Agency, EEDA, LA, GO, DEFRA, etc Federated to national organisation ACRE: Action with Communities in Rural England
the regional voice for the rural community 5 What do they do? Help rural communities to help themselves Improve quality of rural life by overcoming: Physical isolation – lack of basic services Social isolation – lack of leisure & social services Lack of affordable housing Lack of (well paid) jobs Lack of public transport
the regional voice for the rural community 6 Core Activities #1 Community & Social Inclusion Village hall management, maintenance, improvements Advice on legislation Training to individuals & groups Courses, resource centres, literature, magazines, leaflets Organisation of conferences & workshops Caring for people Good neighbour schemes, childcare groups, clubs for elderly, etc
the regional voice for the rural community 7 Core Activities #2 Rural Economy & Regeneration Market Town Initiative Support to town partnerships, specialist advice Provision of ICT skills & knowledge Support for Community or Social Enterprises Business plans, marketing, legislation, accounting Farming Diversification Schools links, farmers’ markets, tourism
the regional voice for the rural community 8 Core Activities #3 Environment & Sustainable Development Community Action (Parish) Plans Consultation, analysis, planning projects Transport Rural Transport Partnerships, Kick-start, Community buses, brokerage, voucher schemes Affordable housing developments Countryside Agency & Housing Corporation
the regional voice for the rural community 9 Rural Action East – Why? Umbrella independent charity for all six county RCCs in ER Response to political regionalisation policy Provide interface to new regional agencies & govt bodies Achieve critical mass – size matters Collaborative regional & sub-regional projects Share experiences & knowledge
the regional voice for the rural community 10 Rural Action East – Role Advocacy for the rural community Partner regional government agencies Research & policy definition Influence rural programmes & their delivery Regional projects Exploit dispersed knowledge & expertise Partner with other members of Voluntary & Community Sector Internal development Share best practice
the regional voice for the rural community 11 County Support for Rural Sport Identify need & priorities Parish Plans: full community involvement & support Work with community groups: youth, child, elderly, etc Action Plan for improvement projects, recognition of role of sport Funding Signposting sources of funds Liaison with Sports Development Officers & LA Sports & Leisure Assistance with applications Links to Playing Fields Association Hosted & administered by RCCs Joint county workshops Publicity/marketing Importance of role of sport in communities
the regional voice for the rural community 12 Regional Support for Rural Sport Collaborative Projects Research the state of sports facilities in rural areas Identify action for development of rural sport in the region Jointly bid for implementation project
the regional voice for the rural community 13 Summary Rural Community Councils Offer extensive & informed network actively engaged with rural communities Provide channel for sport to be recognised in community plans Support development of action plans Assist in means to deliver sporting aspirations, eg projects & their funding
the regional voice for the rural community 14 Contacts Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity or Cambridgeshire ACRE or Rural Community Council of Essex or Community Development Agency for Hertfordshire or Norfolk rural Community Council or Suffolk ACRE or