Ash Wednesday is a very special day. Do you know why?
When is Ash Wednesday? Ash Wednesday 2015 is on Wednesday 18 th February, six-and-a-half weeks before EASTER What is Ash Wednesday? Ash Wednesday is a day of being sorry. It marks the start of the Christian season of Lent. Christians use ash as a symbol of being sorry for things they have done wrong and want to get rid of forever.
Why is it called Ash Wednesday? Ashes are the things that are left when something is burned. Ashes were used in the past as a symbol of being sorry. Christians use ashes to make the sign of the Cross on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday. They want to show God that they are sorry for anything they have done wrong in the past year.
What happens on Ash Wednesday? Christians have a tiny smudge of ashes put on their foreheads as a sign of sorrow because sometimes we have done things that spoilt our friendship with God.
What are the ashes made from? They are made from the palm crosses that have been kept from last year’s Palm Sunday.
What is Palm Sunday? – a special day which remembers the time when Jesus rode into Jerusalem. People were so happy to see him that they cut palm leaves to wave and to make a soft path for the donkey.
The ashes were left over when palm crosses from last year were burned. When the crosses used in last year’s Palm Sunday service are made into ashes, we are reminded that Jesus was also hurt for us.
Then the ashes are mixed with holy water to make a greyish paste.
Finally, when people go to the special service on Ash Wednesday…
… the priest dips his thumb in the paste and uses it to make the sign of the cross on each person's forehead.
Today, all over the world, children and their families, like you and your family…
… will receive ashes to show that we are sorry. We promise to try harder to live like Jesus wants us to – in friendship with God.
BUT... Ash Wednesday is the start of something, not the end.
What is Lent? Lent is the 40 days (not counting Sundays) before Easter. Lent is a Christian Festival. Lent is the time when Christians prepare for Easter by thinking of things they have done wrong or could have done better. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent.
Why does Lent last for 40 days? The 40 days mark the 40 years of the Israelites going through the desert when they had escaped from slavery in Egypt. It also marks the 40 days Jesus spent alone in the desert, preparing for His work by praying and by living on just what he needed to survive, without extra treats.
What happens during Lent? During Lent, Christians used to fast (give up some meals), but nowadays people give up treats, like chocolate or sweets. People also try to give some money to charity during Lent – perhaps the money they save by not buying chocolate or sweets. People try to get closer to God during Lent by praying and going to church a little more often. They try to be kinder and more generous to other people.
Could you give up something during Lent? Are you doing something special to get closer to God and to be more like Jesus? While you wait for the ashes, think about what you can do during Lent to grow more like Jesus. Then, at Easter, we will celebrate our new life with Jesus.
GOD FORGAVE MY SIN IN JESUS NAME God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name I’ve been born again in Jesus’ name And in Jesus’ name I come to you To share his love as he told me to. He said: “Freely, freely, you have received, freely, freely give. Go in my name and because you believe, others will know that I live.”
All power is given in Jesus’ name In earth and heaven in Jesus’ name. And in Jesus’ name I come to you To share his power as he told me to. He said: “Freely, freely, you have received, freely, freely give. Go in my name and because you believe, others will know that I live.”
Turn to us, O Lord God, And we shall Turn to you.