Belarus Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland Russia Sweden BSR INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme Partner Search Forum Introduction – to the Partner Search Workshops by Vineta Grieķere BSR INTERREG III B Joint Secretariat 23 & 24 May Vilnius 2005
4 thematic speeches on the themes that are in focus of the Forum: Policentric settlement structures (measure 2.1.) Transport and Communication (measure 2.2.) Management of natural resources (measure 2.3.) Institution and capacity building (priority 3) 4 workshops, where project ideas will be presented and discussed in the light of the programme missing themes and thematic speeches Information for Belarusian/Russian partners on Tacis requirements Major shortcomings as concerns the project content and budget issues Experiences of leading and participating in BSR INTERREG III B projects Individual Project Consultations The Concept
The workshops Polycentric settlement structures (measure 2.1.) Transport and communication (measure 2.2.) Management of natural heritage (measure 2.3.) Institution and capacity building (priority 3.)
The aim of the workshops For partners it is of interest to be acquainted with other project ideas and countries/regions/people involved in generating new projects; For programme stakeholders and the JS it is an opportunity to get a comprehensive picture on which projects are “in the pipeline”; For all participants the workshops will be useful for providing actual information on programme requirements and discuss how to proceed with joint projects towards applications for INTERREG III B NP
When discuss the idea in particular pay attention -To compliance to programme thematic priorities; Transnational dimension -Project partnership -Durability - The investments and their relevance and coherence to the project rationale
Belarus Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland Russia Sweden WORKSHOPFACILITATORHALL Resource Person Joint Secretariat 1 Odd GODAL Ann Irene SAETERNES Glass A (Stiklo A) Matthias WOIWODE 2 Bogdan OLDAKOWSKI Glass B (Stiklo B) Wiktor SZYDAROWSKI 3 Zenonas GULBINAS Granite (Granito) Joanna Przedrzymirska 4 Slawomir DEMKOWIZC- DOBRZANSKI Marmuro (Marble )Vineta GRIEĶERE Workshops
Results of the workshops -To be presented (max. 10 minutes per workshop); -Conclusions on what kind of projects are in pipeline; - What are the potential and major drawbacks at this stage; -How the missing themes are covered by ideas presented/discussed;
Thank you!