FUNDRAISING (was previously called Annual Giving) District 9780 Grants Seminar 2014 PP Peter Simons District 9780 Fundraising Chair.
Foundation Funds Our Charity Individual & Club Goals Centurions PHF and PHS Fundraising Overview
Our Charity What funds Rotary and Rotary Programs? THE ROTARY FOUNDATION (TRF) The engine room of Rotary International We are here to talk about Grants: Where does Grant Funding come from? The Rotary Foundation & District Funds
FOUNDATION FUNDS Which funds receive the largest contributions? In District 9780 the majority of contributions go to either: Annual – Share Fund or Polio Plus
FOUNDATION FUNDS ANNUAL – SHARE FUND Contributions to the Annual Fund is invested by RI. 3 years later 50% of contribution is returned to the district. It is called the DDF.
FOUNDATION FUNDS POLIO- PLUS Contributions are directed to Polio Eradication. Any short falls of funding are sourced from Annual Fund.
Our Charity - TRF Where do the funds come from? Individual or organisation who contributes to TRF Contributions of $2 or more to the ARFT is tax deductable. Unfortunately in District 9780 only 1 in 3 Rotarians contribute directly to TRF.
FOUNDATION FUNDS How much does 9780 contribute to The Rotary Foundation? As a district? Per Rotarian? And into which funds?
District Year Contribution per Rotarian
District Year
Goals Why should we set goals for fundraising? Goals provide district, clubs and individuals planning information. Goals provide district, clubs and individuals an achievement target.
Goals As a district the contribution goals are set buy clubs with a target contribution amount of USD100 for every Rotarian in our District As a district we are a great supporter of TRF but individual clubs are very poor at planning and advising district of our plans.
Goals Only 14 clubs in District 9780 have entered goals for contributions to TRF for this club year. Thankyou for your effort who have. These goals can be entered in “club central” by club president or secretary. Also note that some clubs have already exceeded their goal for this club year.
9780 Annual Fund Goals and Contributions
9780 Annual Fund Statisics
Centurion Program A Centurion commits to contribute AU$100 every year to TRF whilst you can afford to do so. Centurion Program is administered by district, not RI South Pacific (Parramatta) or RI When clubs or individuals send contributions to Parramatta, our district has no record of their centurion contribution. Centurion contributions need to come via district fundraising chair.
Sustaining Member Program A Sustaining Member commits to contribute US$100 every year to TRF whilst they can afford to do so Sustaining Program is managed by RI. It is preferred that contributions come via district fundraising chair.
Paul Harris Fellowship -PHF. MYTH: The PHF is an award for clubs to give to Rotarians. FACT: A PHF is purely the recognition of a contribution of USD1000 to the TRF in an individuals name. MYTH - If I contribute USD1000 to TRF am I buying an award and I won’t go to Rotary Heaven. FACT: Many people contribute to TRF and can claim one or more PHF recognitions; Multiple PHF. A multiple PHF can nominate an individual to receive a PHF.
PAUL HARRIS SOCIETY - PHS The Paul Harris Society is the recognition for any person who contributes annually USD1000 or more to TRF. In District 9780 we have 12 Rotarians who are PHS members and we have approximately 20 Rotarians who are eligible to become a PHS member if they just applied.
Where is INFO? All our district Foundation Information is on our district web site.
In Summarising The Rotary Foundation is our Charity and the engine room of Rotary International. We as a district contribute well to the Foundation but only 1 in 3 Rotarians contribute to TRF in The PHF is not an award. It is recognition of a contribution of US$1000 to TRF in an individuals name.
In Summarising All clubs need to enter their contribution goals into club central on the RI web site. Encourage Rotarians to support our charity. Thankyou for your time. Thankyou for all those who do contribute to TRF.