Concrete Romans were the first to invent concrete Concrete is made out of mostly limestone and granite with a mixture of water
Mosaics Mosaics are colored tiles and glass stuck together to make a picture Mosaics are colored tiles and glass stuck together to make a picture Most Romans would make mosaics in temples or other worship places Most Romans would make mosaics in temples or other worship places
aqueducts Aqueducts are used to transport water Aqueducts are used to transport water Roman aqueducts were simply built to be a tunnel, arcade, wall, or pipeline Roman aqueducts were simply built to be a tunnel, arcade, wall, or pipeline Our biggest aqueduct is from colorado to california Our biggest aqueduct is from colorado to california
Dome Domes may look circular in a way, but they are made by putting arches put together Romans mostly put domes on top of buildings Now today we have a dome that somewhat helps the enviorment its called a bio dome
Bridges Romans built bridges for the army to get around faster Romans built bridges for the army to get around faster Thanks to Romans we can build bridges over gaps in the earth and over bodies of land for transportation Thanks to Romans we can build bridges over gaps in the earth and over bodies of land for transportation The end The end