Income Generation Strategy November 2014
Patient reach drives prospects Patient strategy, name change, awareness comms. Increased patient understanding More engagement = more financial prospects The ability to convert prospects to donors
Evidence - sector and scale
Total Voluntary income Health (1) Health (2) Medical Research Cancer (all) Blood cancer Cancer (multi) Hospitals & Hospices Charity Sector Whole sector voluntary Source: CAF/Charity Commission Data: Whole charity sector, last submitted annual reports. Health (1) Source: CAF/Charity Commission Data: Charities which have the objective “The advancement of health or saving of lives” Health (2) Source: LLR/Charity Commission Data: Charities which have a health related ICNPO classification. Medical Research Source: LLR/Charity Commission Data: Charities which have a Medical Research related ICNPO classification. Cancer (all) Source: LLR/Charity Commission Data: Charities which have a cancer keywords in their name or activities Cancer (multi) Source: LLR/Charity Commission Data: Charities which have a cancer keywords in their name or activities with obvious large single cancer charities removed. Hospitals & Hospices Source: LLR/Charity Commission Data: Charities which have a Hospital ICNPO classification. Blood Cancer Source: LLR/Charity Commission Data: Charities which have a blood cancer keywords in their name or activities.
Top 10 blood cancer charities by voluntary income Source: LLR/Charity Commission data
Top 10 cancer charities by voluntary income Source: Charity Commission data
Evidence - trends
Mobile giving
“Everyday” fundraising
“Betterment” fundraising
Digital fundraising
Knowing our audiences (KOA)
Demographics - age
Demographics - gender 59% female55% male
Our supporters Q: How many other charities do you support? Base: n=164
Donor profile
What this means for us
Corporate partnerships
Major Giving
Individual Giving
More money to our mission EU and statutory income Matched funding and leveraging support from others
Where are we now? 1. Patient reach 2. Prospect identification 3. Engagement activity 4. Relationship management
The opportunities ahead Increased share of blood cancer market Increased share of cancer market…and wider health More from existing supporters More from existing income streams Innovation Other streams – Statutory and money to mission