Hi, My name is Joan. I am a nun.
My home is a convent. I live and pray here. The main buildings were called the cloister. It includes a church, dining room, and a dormitory.
This is what I wear. We wear long gowns of black, gray, or white. We tie the gowns around our waist with a piece of cloth. Over the gown, we wear a scapular, or a long piece of cloth that covers the top of our head and gown. We shave our heads and wear a white cloth called a wimple to cover our heads. Some nuns wear a chain with a cross on it.
This is what I eat: In the convent, we have a garden. We grow vegetables and berries that we can eat. We also raise animals that we can eat. We make beer to drink.
Daily Life of a Nun. My parents made me live here. They paid the church in jewelry for taking me. Every day I worship, read, and do chores. The nuns in our convent do many works of charity. We feed the hungry. We give medicine to people who are sick. We educate girls who want to be nuns. We also make copies of books of famous authors. We also must work for the monastery. For example, we wash the clothes, work in the garden, and make clothes.
What I do for fun: Spinning and Embroidery Singing Celebrating the seasons and holidays
Interesting Facts: Nuns are not supposed to have relations with men, but sometimes they do. They even get pregnant sometimes. Sometimes they dance and do inappropriate things. Sometimes they have little dogs that stay on their lap. Women are often forced to become nuns by their families. Rich women don’t have to work as hard as poor women.