Edutain-me future’s online platform putting together learning resources which will make education fun again By LSE Challenge Future Team (Anca Haraga, Nikolas Mayer and Björn Christian Wolf)
our vision “New technologies are deployed to develop new games with educational properties that allow for interaction, personalisation and collaboration. “ Roser, UK, Phd. Student “I believe your idea is great now you just have to be ready for all things to go wrong -- find the solutions to that -- generate momentum for your idea -- become millionaires -- lose everything -- start over -- change the world :) ” Razvan, Romania, President of Oricum Association The emergence of new forms of media has generated changes in what fun is and how it is perceived. Education will move away from the fun less model and become more flexible, incorporate and make use of alternative, more entertaining forms of learning.
our vision Making the best use of the plethora of valuable and meaningful resources (videos, photographs, graphs, games, music etc.) posted on the internet daily to make learning fun and suggesting interesting and fun educational content. “New and innovative ways of learning which combine old fashion boring learning with for fun will play an important role in our society.” Dimitri Ghouse, Germany, Student “I believe in a new way of showcasing educational tools. ” Irina, Romania, High school student
how does it work? Educators select and review content Users give details about themselves (age, educational level, interests) Users experience edutain- me, give feedback, make suggestions New suggestions are being made, user challenged on If needed, resource is re- ranked and repositioned according to users’ feedback why? “I think this is the real edge given by your idea: saving research time by finding academically valuable material in one place would definitely appeal to a generation living in the age of speed.” Alexandra, UK, Student
the professional – Richard Baraniuk We would like to learning more about open source education from Richard Baraniuk, Professor Rice University, Creator of Connexions. We think his vision of the future of fun in learning would help us develop edutain-me. We plan to him first and alternatively get the help of an NGO which worked with him in the past year. Questions to ask: How to ensure the quality of the materials? How to motivate teachers or educators to participate? What is the critical number of users? How did you get to them?