Favero Corporation®
Profile 3 Gender:Female and Male (sharing the same bedroom) Age:13 and 14 years old Occupation:Student Girl’s Interests: Listening to music, communicating with friends through social media, fashion Boy’s Interests: Palmeiras football fan, loves swimming, on-line gaming, and listening to music Girl’s Design preferences: Pink and purple, fluffy and cuddly, internet Boy’s Design preferences: Green and blue, technology, sports, study area My Clients profile
I was thinking and I decided that would be interesting to have, in front of your beds, a television, with a furniture under for a TV gadget and a play station 3. Moreover, it could have two desks, one on each side of the room, in the first one a pc in it where you could play online games, chat with friends, do this kind of stuff and two sound boxes in each sides of the television to listen to loud music of YouTube or to listen to the ps3 games. The other desk would be a place to study. We could have also a Palmeiras t-shirt stucked on the wall. Two fluffy chairs in each desk and 2 puffs in the front of the television. Finally, two wardrobes, Francesca one will be big and pink.
2D Elevation Before
Possible colours of the walls