Tools & Techniques of Financial Planning Leimberg, Satinsky, Doyle & Jackson Credit and Debt Management
7-2 Obtaining credit Capacity: ability to repay debt Income, other debt payments Dependents, alimony, child support Character: will they repay debt Pay bills on time Stability: own home; job history Collateral: Reduce risk; reduce rate Automatic payments: lower rate
7-3 Debt ratios Debt to income= Loan and credit card payments/gross income Does not include mortgage payments <20% acceptable Front-end ratio=housing expenses/gross income Housing: principal, interest, property tax, insurance Back-end ratio=housing+other monthly payments/gross income 33/39:33 front/39 back ratio Problems: let your creditor know Develop a budget showing how you will pay
7-4 Home equity loans Calculation of equity Loan amount: up to X% of home value – first mortgage Interest on loan up to $100,000 deductible Generally line of credit
7-5 Bankruptcy Chapter 13: keep property Repay over 3-5 years Chapter 7: Only keep exempt assets Varies by state Eliminates many debts Not alimony/child support; IRS; student loans Can’t file again for six years
7-6 Credit Reports Credit reports Sample credit report Contents Payment history: pay minimum? Account balances/payment amounts Public records Inquiries Hard/soft
7-7 Credit Reports Correcting errors Contact credit reporting agency (CRA) in writing Include documentation CRA investigates in 30 days Contacts source of error If error, contacts all other CRAs Contact users of credit report for last 6 months If not resolved, can send letter to include in report
7-8 Credit Reports Negative items Generally: 7 years Late payments; default, etc. Bankruptcy: 10 years Criminal record: no limit Student loans: 7 years Judgments: 7 years
7-9 Credit Scoring FICO Includes credit report info Also: own home; how long home, job maxed out cards; how long had credit; credit inquiries; type of credit Range of scores 750 excellent Freddie Mac: above 660 accepted
7-10 Credit Scoring FICO Factors impacting score (35%) Payment history Most recent, more weight (30%) Outstanding debt (15%) Length of credit history (10%) Recent inquiries (10%) Type of credit E-Z Payday Loans, probably not good
7-11 Identity Theft If it happens Contact CRA Get free copies of credit reports Send statement to be placed in file Contact police