Vraťo Holienčin 6.A
What to do ? When do people usually eat their meals ? When do people usually eat their meals ? - At the morning, at the lunch and at the evening - At the morning, at the lunch and at the evening What do they normally eat at each meal ? What do they normally eat at each meal ? - They usually eat cereals for breakfast, soup and main food for lunch and bread with ham for dinner - They usually eat cereals for breakfast, soup and main food for lunch and bread with ham for dinner Where do people buy their food ? Where do people buy their food ? - At the grocery and supermarket - At the grocery and supermarket What are cafes and restaurants like ? What are cafes and restaurants like ? - There you can buy something for drink and eat - There you can buy something for drink and eat
My recipe - sausages We take sausages hull them and we put them to pot and boil them. We take sausages hull them and we put them to pot and boil them. We wait five minutes and then we take them out and eat. Good Apetite We wait five minutes and then we take them out and eat. Good Apetite
Food, restaurant, shoop - F F F F F oooo oooo dddd ssss - R R R R R eeee ssss tttt aaaa uuuu rrrr aaaa nnnn tttt ssss - S S S S S hhhh oooo pppp ssss
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