The Magic Meal…………………….. Breakfast The Magic Meal……………………..
Why is breakfast important? It is the fuel your body needs to get through the day.
If you skip breakfast your body could go 12 or more hours without food If you skip breakfast your body could go 12 or more hours without food. When you go that long without food your body becomes tired, sluggish and it is hard for you to stay focused.
Breakfast will help you stay alert at school!
Research has shown that students who eat breakfast are better students and make better grades.
Starting the day with breakfast and eating healthy through out the day will help you power through your practices or games.
Skipping breakfast is not a good idea if you are trying to lose weight. Chances are when you eat later in the day, you will be overly hungry and will be more likely to eat too much or to pick unhealthy foods to satisfy your hunger.
What does a good breakfast look like? A good breakfast will include a healthy protein, carbohydrate and fiber. Some foods will help you to stay fuller longer and give your more energy for your day. Let’s look at some breakfast ideas………
Breakfast can be quick and easy… Yogurt with fruit and almonds
Healthy breakfast ideas……… eggs and turkey bacon
Healthy breakfast ideas………. Add a healthy topping to toast for a quick breakfast you can take in the car.
Healthy breakfast ideas………… Oatmeal and milk
Quick breakfast ideas………… protein bars and fruit
Healthy breakfast ideas………. whole grain cereal and fruit
Healthy Breakfast ideas……….. whole wheat bagel with cream cheese or peanut butter
Healthy Breakfast Ideas Add eggs, cheese and meat to a tortilla shell to make a breakfast burrito
Healthy Breakfast Ideas a ham and cheese sandwich
Healthy Breakfast Ideas Left-overs! You can have dinner for breakfast……
Every now and then breakfast…… Too much sugar! It can leave you feeling tired and sluggish.
Never a good breakfast choice! It will make you tired and grumpy!
Breakfast……………. gives you energy.
helps you stay focused at school. Breakfast………… helps you stay focused at school.
helps you power through sports practices and games. Breakfast………. helps you power through sports practices and games.
can help you maintain a healthy weight. Breakfast…………. can help you maintain a healthy weight.
is the MOST important meal you will eat ALL day! Breakfast…………… is the MOST important meal you will eat ALL day!
Happy, Healthy, Holy Kids eat BREAKFAST! Do you?