NUTRITION Do Now: 1. Logon to a laptop computer 2. In your notes, write down everything you have had to eat and drink today. If you skipped a meal, write “No Breakfast” or “No Lunch”.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How does my meal plan help me stay healthy?
APPETITE v HUNGER APPETITEHUNGER appetite – the psychological need for food Eating because food looks or smells good. Heavyweights Clip hunger – the body’s physical need for food Eating because your body needs food for fuel Hook Clip
NUTRIENTS nutrients – substances in food that your body needs Help the body build new tissue Help the body repair damaged cells Help the body produce energy
What Influences Your Food Choices? Family and Culture Advertising Knowledge of Nutrition Convenience Availability Peer Pressure
What Influences Your Food Choices? Emotions can influence food choices because food can bring up feelings connected to past experiences. A craving for food can be especially strong when people feel sad, lonely, or discouraged.
Choose My Plate
Use the website to
1. Select “Daily Food Plans”
2. Click “Daily Food Plan” 3. Enter the requested information then click “Submit”
4. Print “Your Results” AND the “Meal Tracking Worksheet”
5. Homework Based on your results, map out 3 meals and 1 snack that satisfy your caloric needs, as well as the appropriate amount from each food group Make sure you include ALL snacks and beverages Choose food that you would like to eat On Wednesday, you will turn in your results, the meal tracking worksheet, and your healthy eating plan