The Importance of Breakfast for Kids and Parents Created By: Vicky Pehling University of Minnesota Bachelors of Science in Nutrition
Common reasons why parents and kids skip breakfast What are some consequences of skipping breakfast Discuss what happens when we skip breakfast What are some positive results of eating breakfast Outline for Today
“What you DO will make more of an impact than what you SAY” Teaching Healthy Habits to Kids
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”
5 Common reasons why people don’t eat breakfast 1.Don’t fully understand benefits 2.Busy schedule 3.Don’t feel hungry in the morning 4.“I want to sleep more” 5.Weight loss
What are some physical symptoms and feelings that come when someone is hungry? How do you feel when you are hungry? Physical Tired Stomach pain Muscle fatigue Headache Psychological/Emotional Moody Difficulty Concentrating Irritable Anxious Unhappiness
What kinds of foods do kids grab when their still hungry? The Backup Breakfast
By eating breakfast, kids have enough energy to last them until the next meal This results in less snacking and overeating at other meals Importance of Breakfast: 1. Curbs Appetite
Importance of Breakfast: 2. Supports the Learning Processes A 2008 study involving 6-8 th graders concluded that regular consumption of breakfast had beneficial influence on attention, concentration, memory and school achievement.
Importance of Breakfast: 3. Improves Mood Skipping breakfasts can make you feel tired and irritable. Even grabbing some fresh fruit or bowl of cereal can help your mood.
Protein Fruit/Vegetables Whole Grain Dairy Importance of Breakfast: 4. Consume More Nutrients Eating breakfast gives you a nutritional jump start on meeting the nutritional requirements for the day.
Discuss with the person sitting next to you… 1.What can you do to overcome the what is blocking you/your family from eating breakfast. 2.What 2 reasons why eating breakfast would be beneficial to you and your family. Be specific! Think-Pair-Share
The Buzz about Breakfast : The Importance of Breakfast for Kids and Parents & How to Plan a Healthy Breakfast