Mind Mapping and Fact Booklets
Top tips for any subject Ask your teachers for checklists or syllabuses and identify the areas you need to revise-there is no point revising what you know already Use the revision guides endorsed by the exam boards Use a variety of techniques
Identifying what you need to know Need to go over in detail Just need to learn Top banana
For Biology (and most other subjects) Learn the details-syllabus Make sure you understand EVERYTHING-don’t get bogged down by words. Use the words to help you learn Try to find links between lessons, topics and subjects
REMEMBER You will not just be examined on your ability to remember stuff
Explain how leaves are adapted for efficient photosynthesis: broad so large surface area; thin so short distance for gases to travel; contain chlorophyll to absorb light; have a network of veins for support and transport; stomata for gas exchange. State that the exchange of gases is by diffusion. Explain how the structure of a leaf palisade cell is related to its function: contains many chloroplasts.
Explain how leaves are adapted for efficient photosynthesis: broad so large surface area; thin so short distance for gases to travel; contain chlorophyll to absorb light; have a network of veins for support and transport; stomata for gas exchange. State that the exchange of gases is by diffusion. Explain how the structure of a leaf palisade cell is related to its function: contains many chloroplasts.
Explain how leaves are adapted for efficient photosynthesis: broad so large surface area; thin so short distance for gases to travel; contain chlorophyll to absorb light; have a network of veins for support and transport; stomata for gas exchange. State that the exchange of gases is by diffusion. Explain how the structure of a leaf palisade cell is related to its function: contains many chloroplasts.
Explain how leaves are adapted for efficient photosynthesis: broad so large surface area; thin so short distance for gases to travel; contain chlorophyll to absorb light; have a network of veins for support and transport; stomata for gas exchange. State that the exchange of gases is by diffusion. Explain how the structure of a leaf palisade cell is related to its function: contains many chloroplasts.
Explain how leaves are adapted for efficient photosynthesis: broad so large surface area; thin so short distance for gases to travel; contain chlorophyll to absorb light; have a network of veins for support and transport; stomata for gas exchange. State that the exchange of gases is by diffusion. Explain how the structure of a leaf palisade cell is related to its function: contains many chloroplasts.
Explain how leaves are adapted for efficient photosynthesis: broad so large surface area; thin so short distance for gases to travel; contain chlorophyll to absorb light; have a network of veins for support and transport; stomata for gas exchange. State that the exchange of gases is by diffusion. Explain how the structure of a leaf palisade cell is related to its function: contains many chloroplasts.
Explain how leaves are adapted for efficient photosynthesis: broad so large surface area; thin so short distance for gases to travel; contain chlorophyll to absorb light; have a network of veins for support and transport; stomata for gas exchange. State that the exchange of gases is by diffusion. Explain how the structure of a leaf palisade cell is related to its function: contains many chloroplasts.
Explain how leaves are adapted for efficient photosynthesis: broad so large surface area; thin so short distance for gases to travel; contain chlorophyll to absorb light; have a network of veins for support and transport; stomata for gas exchange. State that the exchange of gases is by diffusion. Explain how the structure of a leaf palisade cell is related to its function: contains many chloroplasts.
Transpiration 4 factors