P.P.E. Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation
PPEs Historically known as “annual physical,” “physical exam,” and “pre-participation medical evaluation.” Primary purpose is to identify preexisting injury risk factors or preexisting injuries/diseases. Physical exams can identify spina bifida occulta, absence of one of paired organs, postural problems, high blood pressure, cardiac defects or arrhythmias, allergies, vision deficits, and skin infections.
Rules NCAA Guideline 1B PPE (pre-participation physical examination) is required upon entrance into athletic program; thereafter, annual updated medical history unless additional medical exam is warranted based on the updated history. NFSH policy PPE required prior to first year of participation. The primary purpose of PPE: Identify preexisting injury risk factors as well as ascertain any injuries/diseases that are potentially problematic.
Age Gender Body size (B.M.I.- Body Mass Index) Medical History Physical Exam(Muscle strength/Flexibility) Vision- Normal 20/20 Blood Pressure- Normal 120/80 Pulse Components of the PPE
PPEs AAP recommends PPE biannually (or when athlete enters middle/high school) with annual update including: comprehensive history, height, weight, and blood pressure. Two forms of PPEs: Office-based works well when physician is familiar with athlete’s medical history Station-based screening is useful for examining groups of athletes. All information obtained during examination should be handled appropriately to protect athlete’s confidentiality.
Key Terms Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI is a fairly reliable indicator of body fatness for most people. BMI does not measure body fat directly. A Snellen chart is an eye chart used by eye care professionals and others to measure visual acuity. Snellen charts are named after the Dutch ophthalmologist Hermann Snellen who developed the chart in Should be 20 feet away when using
Key Terms The carotid arteries are major blood vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain, neck, and face. There are two carotid arteries, one on the right and one on the left. The radial artery, a true continuation of the brachial artery, travels down the radial side of the forearm to the wrist. As it nears the wrist, it rises close to the surface and is a convenient vessel for taking the pulse. At the wrist, branches of the ulnar and radial arteries join to form a network of vessels, which supply the structures in the wrist, hand and fingers.