Human Anatomy and Physiology Physiology of air breathing The lungs
Respiration Oxygen utilization varies with activity Rest: 200 ml/min. Exercise: 6,000 ml/min. Importance Breathing increases due to metabolic demands Regulated by pH of ECF
Organization Conducting zone Trachea, 1° - 3° bronchi Respiratory zone Bronchioles, alveolar ducts alveoli Trachea 1° 2° 3° brochioles Alveolor ducts alveoli
Functions of pathway Conducting zone Warm, cleanse and humidify air Phonation (vocal cords) Regulation of air flow (dilation/constriction)
Functions of pathway Respiratory zone Gas exchange
Functions of pathway Respiratory zone Cell type I (gas exchange) Cell type II (surfactant)
Gas Exchange Gases must penetrate 3 membranes
Diffusion distances Shorter is better
Lung ventilation Closed compartment Head, diaphragm, sternum, ribs and intercostal muscles Pleura Parietal (chest) Visceral (lungs) Pleural fluid
Ventilation steps Exchange of air between atm. and alveoli Ventilation, bulk flow Exchange of O 2 and CO 2 between alveoli and lung capillaries Diffusion Transport of gases by blood Bulk flow Exchange of gases between blood and tissues Diffusion
What pressure changes? Ans: alveolar pressure Bulk flow: F = K (∆P) How does pressure change?
Ventilation Cavities Pleural, pulmonary Intrapleural pressure. Why have it? Tendency of lung recoil Surface tension of alveolar fluid Opposed by chest wall elasticity Intrapulmonary pressure Balloon within a balloon
Ventilation Expiration Inspiration
Air flow Flow (F) = ∆P/R ∆P: change in pressure between atmosphere and alveoli R: resistance of airways
Air flow ∆P: altered by contraction of inspiratory and expiratory muscles Resistance Inversely proportional to 4th power of radius A B
Air flow Lung compliance V = change in volume P = change in pressure V P Athletes have a high lung compliance
Lung volumes Respirometer
Lung volumes
Dead space Anatomical dead space Alveolar dead space (inspired dead space) Total dead space