Nanoscience and Health Research
The role of nanotechnology in: Fighting disease causing organisms. Developing medical devices. Faster diagnoses.
Why use nanotechnology? Identify and fight microscopic organisms. 3 main types of pathogens.
Fungus Fungus cell = to 0.05 mm.
Bacteria Bacterium = 0.2 – 2.0 µm in diameter. 25 times smaller than fungi. Bacteria can be destroyed with antibiotics.
Virus Range in size from 20 to 250 nm. 10 times smaller than bacteria. 250 times smaller than fungi.
How are pathogens detected? Grow on petri dishes. Test the response of the specimen to various antibiotics and anti-fungicides.
Problem: diagnoses takes time Some pathogens may take minutes to grow, others may take hours. Need a small scale petri dish where even the smallest pathogenic growth can be registered very quickly.
A possible nano solution Use of cantilevers a few hundred nm thin. In this system, micro- organisms are detected with nano-devices.
Using cantilevers to detect pathogens Cantilever vibrates. As micro-organisms grow the frequency of vibration changes. Extremely sensitive and quick detection.
Other nano-diagnostic tools Mini portable laboratory. One drop of blood could be instantly tested for a whole array of diseases and conditions.
Benefits of the lab on a chip Quicker diagnostics. Greater control over analysis. Less waste. Small devices allow samples to be analysed at the point of need rather than a laboratory. Uses in other areas: industrial applications and environmental monitoring.
Portable lab chips Chips could be injected into the bloodstream. Travel to diseased cells. Diagnose. Deliver medication.
Nanotechnology and cancer treatment Chemotherapy not specific. Nano drug delivery can directly target tumours.
Magnetic nanoparticles Some nanoparticles become magnetic in the presence of a magnetic field. Nanoparticles target cells- magnetic field makes them vibrate, heat up and destroy cancer cell. –Clinical trials already happening! MRI imaging for faster diagnoses.
Nanoparticle drug delivery Enzymes bound to carbon nanotubes or particles. One enzyme (key) fits one substrate (lock). Particles can contain medication which would release when the enzyme reaches its specific target.
Nanotechnology and stents Stents widen damaged arteries. Research is being conducted into the use of a stent manufactured from extremely light, yet extremely strong nanomaterials.
Nanotechnology and heart disease Nanopatch can bring dead heart tissue back to life. Carbon nanofibres are excellent conductors of electrons. Keeps heart beating steadily.
Nanotechnology and tissue growth Improved tissue grafts. Promote vascular growth. Faster healing. Healthy skin invades wounded area. Reduce the need for surgeries. A tissue scaffold with visible pores. Clockwise, schematic diagrams showing cross-sections of micro-structured tissue templates.
Nanotechnology and preventing infection Silver nanoparticles in paint. Combating pathogens.
Nanotechnology- potential health risks Where do particles go? –Do they stay in cells/blood stream? Are workers safe manufacturing them? Where do we dispose of them? –Environment issues
Summary Role of nanotechnology in healthcare. Advances in healthcare from nanotechnology. Future directions for nanotechnology.