Welcome and Introductions Calendar Overview Acquisition Status Final Product Specs Final Ortho Status – with Kucera DAT Process – with IntraSearch Feedback on WMS Ordering Procedures and Options Q & A
MilestoneDate Photo Acquisition of MountainsJune 2012 Delivery of Interim Product for Areas 1, 2, and 4 to DAT and WMS June 2012 Delivery of Interim Product for Area 3 to DAT and WMS August 2012 Compiling Orders for Final ImageryJuly/August 2012 DAT ReviewSeptember/October 2012 Delivery of Final, DAT-approved Ortho- imagery December 2012
Area 3 Potential Issues – Smoke from the High Park Fire Airspace restrictions due to firefighting 6/19 – 40% completed 6/21 - 80% completed 6/22 - 90% completed 6/23 – 100% completed NOAA Smoke Map 6/13/2012
4 Band Areas 1 and 4 6in resolution ASPRS Class 1 Map Accuracy Standards for 1”=100’ RMSE < 1ft on the ground Areas 2 and 3 1 ft resolution ASPRS Class 2 Map Accuracy Standards for 1’= 400’ RMSE < 4ft on the ground
Final orthorectified imagery for Eastern Plains (Area 2) has been delivered to IntraSearch (6/21) for Data Acceptance Testing. Pilot images for Denver (Area 1) and Weld County (Area 4) are expected first of July. DEM is 65% updated for Area 1 DEM is 35% updated for Area 4 More from Kucera…
Completed on 6/23 No apparent issue with smoke from fires to the North and South. Smoke drifting away from Area 3 on flying days Record heat did present turbulence issues over mountains and reduced aircraft performance – flying generally confined to morning hours Imagery currently being reviewed
Interim orthophotography Area 1, 4 (6” resolution) within 2’ Area 2 (12” resolution) within 3’ Area 2 (Eastern Plains) Source DEM – supports final accuracy (within 4’) Area 4 (Weld County) DEM – generally not supporting Class 1 (1’) ortho accuracy – regenerated Area 1 (Denver Metro) DEM – marginally supported Class 1/1’ ortho accuracy – opted to regenerate Area 3 (Mountains) Source DEM – incomplete coverage – will be regenerated Aerotriangulation Accuracy * Area 1, 4 – horizontally within 0.5’ * Area 2 – vertical – generally within 1’ Area 1 and 4 and within 2’ Area 2 * Some areas need vertical refinement
Area 2 Eastern Plains – final orthos recently submitted – no major rectification issues Areas 1 & 4 – Denver Metro & Weld County – pilot orthos to be posted this week Area 1 & 4 final ortho progress delivery starting late Summer – early Fall Area 3 – Mountains Interim orthos – by July 15 Pilot – July 30 Final orthos – starting late Summer – early Fall
IntraSearch brought printed samples for you to view.
A comprehensive review of every tile of the 2012 DRAPP imagery The DAT process will verify the positional accuracy of the imagery and ensure its aesthetic and functional quality. In general terms, the DAT review will examine all the imagery for the following types of errors: Images that do not meet the project’s accuracy specifications RMSE of 4ft on 1 ft ortho, 1ft on 6in ortho Misalignments in linear features (roads, curbs, building edges, etc.) Warped or wavy bridges/overpasses/viaducts/railroad lines/warehouses etc. Obvious seams between images Blurred or out-of-focus imagery, blemishes, “noise”, smears Pronounced changes in color balance and contrast Dark shadows or bright/washed-out spots in the imagery Buildings that obscure more than 25 percent of adjacent roadways and other transportation features Obscured valley bottoms in the mountain areas
IntraSearch 37 Panels 29 Photo Kucera 30 Panels 26 Photo
Comments? Concerns/Issues? Features/Requirements: Anything to add? Anything to remove? Anything to improve? Upcoming Services Service with final ortho imagery will be released in July. Eastern Plains will be the first to be loaded. Metadata will be included.
Time to start compiling custom orders for raw imagery tiles. Member governments can request the entire dataset. Need to choose resolution, format, and extent. Specify projection Business partners already specified an extent, resolution and format.
Resolution Options 6-inch in Area 1 and 4 1-foot in Areas 1, 2, 3, 4 (we can resample up if you prefer) Format Options Compressed GeoTIFF Uncompressed GeoTIFF JPEG2000 Mr. SID
Projection Options State Plane Colorado Central, NAD 83 (US Survey Feet) State Plane Colorado North, NAD 83 (US Survey Feet) State Plane Colorado Central, HARN (US Survey Feet) State Plane Colorado North, HARN (US Survey Feet) UTM Zone 13 North, NAD 83 (Meters) Extent Send an AOI Delivery will be in PLSS tiles (shapefile on website) Stay tuned for an regarding how to order!