Effective Leadership in Action Principal Panel Greg Alexander, Sacajawea Elementary, Caldwell Shalene French, Rocky Mountain Middle Jon Ruzicka, Capital High, Boise and Lisa Kinnaman, Director, Statewide School Improvement Programs
Sacajawea Elementary 6,200 students in the Caldwell School District — CSD, students attend Sacajawea Elementary 60 percent are Latino 86.9 percent live below the poverty line Our students follow a strict dress code
Reading ISAT
Language Usage ISAT
Sacajawea’s strategy Reading First Philosophy Instructional Coach Action Plans Instructional Focus Groups Multiple Responses Professional Learning Community
Rocky Mountain Over 10,000 students in the Bonneville School District Bonneville is the 7 th largest school district in Idaho. 684 students in grades 7 and 8 Students come from seven elementary schools 17 percent Hispanic 52 percent Economically Disadvantaged
Rocky Mountain 7 th Grade Reading ISAT
Rocky Mountain 8 th Grade Reading ISAT
Rocky Mountain 7 th Grade Math ISAT
Rocky Mountain 8 th Grade Math ISAT
Rocky Mountain’s Strategy Making Middle Grades Work Quality Professional Development Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships ABC Not Yet – No Zero Policy Additional Time and Support Advisory – Positive Adult/Student Connections PLC – Professional Learning Communities Interdisciplinary Teams School Improvement Focus Teams Content Teams
Capital High School
1340 students attend Capital High School 11% are Latino, 7% other Ethnicity, 82% White 57 % Low Income Population We have Open Enrollment, 25% of the total enrollment is Open Enrollment
ISAT AYP DATA , Total Population
ISAT AYP DATA Total/Low Income/LEP Disaggregation - Reading
ISAT AYP DATA Total/Low Income/LEP Disaggregation - Math
ISAT AYP DATA Total/Low Income/LEP Disaggregation - Language
Capital High School AP Exams
Capital High School AP Students
Capital High School- “Our Success” AVID Look 2 Learn PLC’s
Leads all staff to a shared understanding of components of effective instruction.
Plans for professional development based upon analysis of classroom instruction.
Differentiates teacher support in whole, small group (grade levels, departments) and one-on-one contexts.
Collaborates with teachers to establish joint leadership and ownership of the adult learning agenda.
Builds structures and routines that support adult learning with a direct line to student achievement.
Uses professional development resources strategically (coaches, meeting time, planning time) to meet teacher learning needs.
Models effective instruction in leadership practices.