1.Turn in supplies for extra credit if you have them!! 2.Journal: Make an acronym with the word FASHION. 3.Define the terms for Ch. 1 – PAGE 24
UNIT 1 ~ CH. 1 CLOTHING & SOCIETY Influences on Clothing Objectives: After completing this study, you should be able to - Describe the basic functions that clothing fulfills. Compare the influences of family and friends on clothing choices. Evaluate the media’s impact on clothing. Explain how societal changes influence clothing.
What does a persons clothing choices reveal about their personality? Should clothing guide the way people treat others? Who decides what clothing you wear? What influences your clothing preferences?
Choosing What to Wear Your basic needs Protection, identification, modesty, status, adornment Your Activities Your personal preferences Colors, Fabrics, Styles, Comfort, durability, cost, care, status, the latest style
What values affect your clothing choices???? Answer this question, by identifying 5 of your personal values that you use when choosing clothes for your wardrobe.
Other Influences Family – where you live, activities Friends – peer group, following trends, fitting in Media – magazines, advertisements, tv sitcoms, movies, radio, celebrities
What influenced you to buy that??? List 5 garments or outfits in your wardrobe that are your favorites to wear, and explain what influenced you to buy them.
A Changing Society Society – group of individuals who live together in a particular area 5 Major Trends in Society constantly changing – more casual living, rapid communication, multiple shopping options, consumer power, global marketplace
Looking Ahead No doubt – clothing has great impact Fashion styles reflect history Clothing expresses culture Clothing expresses your own personality Color design Choosing the right styles for YOU Practical knowledge
Design a CREATIVE Solution If you could submit design ideas for new school uniform options, what would they be? First, identify some concerns and points to consider as a guide for your designs!! Think about REALISTIC factors to consider!!!
Classwork Assignment Protection, identification, modesty, status, adornment Ch. Review – Page 34 –Recalling the Facts, #1-13 –Thinking Critically, # 1 & 3