Question of the Day: 1. What is your favorite day of the week? Why? My favorite day of the week is ____ because _____.
The School Day Schedules ( 安排 ) are different in China and America.
Wake up 6:30 am
Cereal and milk, sometimes nothing Do morning exercises
Start your day! 7 am Eat breakfast Meet with one of your extracurricular 课余 groups.
Classes : 8 am – 12
Lunch 12:00-2:00pm 2 hour lunch break, go home and eat, usually take a nap. 12:00-12:30 Only 30 minutes, no one goes home. They can go to the canteen or bring their own lunch from home.
Afternoon classes 2:00-5:45pm Afternoon classes. 12:30-4:00 pm Afternoon classes.
Extracurriculars 课余 4:00-5:45: afternoon classes 5:40-6:40: go home and eat dinner 4:00 pm- 7:00pm : extracurriculars
Extracurricular 课余 An extracurricular is something that you do everyday after school. There are many different kinds of extracurriculars, for example:
Sports Soccer Baseball Basketball Track and field Dance Boys AND GIRLS can play ALL sports!!!
Arts and Music Music: school band, choir Art: Drawing club, Painting club
Community Service 公益 Community Service means helping other people Helping the homeless 流浪 : Serving lunch to homeless people Helping elderly people: reading to older people, taking them on walks Tutoring 辅导 Helping build homes
Academic clubs Math club, students participate in math competitions Science club Spanish club
Extracurriculars 课余 4:00-5:00: afternoon classes 5:00-7:00: go home and eat inner 4:00 pm- 7:00pm : extracurriculars
7:00 pm 7:00-10:00 pm: Go to the classroom and study on your own 7:00-7:30: Go home and eat dinner.
7:00 pm 7:00-10:00 pm: Go to the classroom and study on your own 7:30-10:00 pm: Do your homework at home.
10:00 pm 10:00-11:00 pm: Take a shower, eat more food, talk to your friends and wash your clothes, go to bed. 10:00 pm: Go to bed.
6:30 wake up, get dressed, do morning exercise 7:30 eat breakfast 7:30-8:00 self study 8:00-noon classes 12:00-2:00 lunch 2:00-5:00 classes 5:00-7:00: dinner 7:00-10:00 self study 6:30 wake up, get dressed, eat 7:00 extracurricular 8:00- noon classes 12:00-12:30 lunch 12:30-4:00 classes 4:00-7:00: extracurricular 7:00-7:30: dinner 7:30-10:00 homework
Do you have student clubs at Nanfang?
Design your own student group! What will you do ? When will you meet? How many times a week will you meet? Write an advertisement for your student group.
Design your own student group! What will you do ? When will you meet? How many times a week will you meet? Why should anyone join Write an advertisement for your student group. Come join us at Dance club! Dance club meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5-7 pm. We are a fun group that learns new dance moves and does performances. Anyone is welcome to join us! It’s a great, fun way to exercise and keep fit.
Design your own student group! What will you do ? When will you meet? How many times a week will you meet? Why should others join? Write an advertisement for your student group. Come join us at Swim club! Swim club meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5-7 am. We practice all different strokes and are open to beginners. We train with three coaches and go to swim meets every Saturday morning. Swimming is some of the healthiest exercise and a great way to start your day!
Design your own student group! Come join us at ____ club! ____ club meets on ________from____. We_________. You should join ____ club because _____. Come join us at Help Others Read club! Help Others Read is a club that meets on Fridays and Sundays from 5-7 pm. We go work at a middle school in city center and teach the children of migrant workers how to read. This is a very fun activity and the children really appreciate our help.