Care For Babies CHCCN5C
Element One: Respond to babies/infants cues and needs. Design your own egg baby, give it a personality and a name. Throughout the following session’s you are required to treat your two week old egg baby as your own human baby.
Element One: Respond to babies/infants cues and needs. Prenatal Development 1st trimester through to the 3rd trimester (Please refer to handout)
Element One: Respond to babies/infants cues and needs Three principles of maturation that appear to govern motor development: Cephalo-caudal Proximo-distal Refinement
Element One: Respond to babies/infants cues and needs. Birth –First breaths –Aspgar score –Head plates, frontals, flexible, moulding Reflexes –Sucking –Startle –Grasping –Walking
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Give examples of each level and discuss how it relates to infant/babies wellbeing. (Refer to handout)
Element One: Respond to babies/infants cues and needs. Infant/babes Rituals and Rhythms Outline what rhythms and rituals are and differences represented in a multicultural society.
Element One: Respond to babies/infants cues and needs. Signs of Distress or pain in infants. Crying Screaming Gurgling Red or blue extremities The Screwing up of limbs Throwing upper body back or crunching forwards (List some other signs)
Element One: Respond to babies/infants cues and needs. Soothing an unsettled baby. In small groups discuss and document strategies for soothing an upset baby. Highlight what the possible reasons could be and what signs and actions the infant would be displaying.
Element One: Respond to babies/infants cues and needs. Characteristics of a healthy child Happy Easily consolidated Height/weight within norms Health gums/teeth Shiny hair Healthy skin Bright eyes
Element One: Respond to babies/infants cues and needs. What a infant needs: Balance diet Love& support Stimulation Safe environment Appropriate clothes, shelter Sleep, rest Activity Physical activity/exercise Opportunity for social interactions
Element One: Respond to babies/infants cues and needs. Sleep requirements: Sleep patterns Stages in sleep- Rem/quiet/non Rem Control crying-What is it and when it is to be used. Strategies for putting babies to bed under three months SIDS –Discuss centre polices and correct procedures for placing babies and infants to sleep.
Element One: Respond to babies/infants cues and needs. Daily routines of an infant /babies room: –Background information sheets –Daily communication –Group and individual routines Important factors that allow infants/babies cues and needs to be meet: E.g.. Consistency, room temperature, lets add to these.
Element Two: Develop and maintain a nurturing relationship with babies/infants. Wellbeing Overview –Temperaments –Attachments –Trust –Self-esteem –Autonomy / competency
Element Two: Develop and maintain a nurturing relationship with babies/infants When and how we respond to an infant’s first cries, babbles and cooing will have an affect on the child’s overall language development (Trust vs. Mistrust. Erickson) Responding to these first sounds will encourage further responses from them – beginnings of two way conversation It is the same for non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions (smiles, raised eyebrows) and gestures (touching or stroking the child). The infant responds to these by mirroring your actions and making cooing noises.
Element Two: Develop and maintain a nurturing relationship with babies/infants. Nurturing Relationships –Erick Erickson –Mary Aimsworth Discussion on other relevant theories
Element Two: Develop and maintain a nurturing relationship with babies/infants. Handout: Nutrition Requirements –Lets discuss/ feeding/change time and bathing.
Element Two: Develop and maintain a nurturing relationship with babies/infants. Activities and experiences for infants. Present your activities and share with the group how your activity will foster an infants development. For students to plan an activity for a specific age Identify the area of development/the skill /behaviour being developed. Create an objective for the activity Describe set up Identify care giver strategies
Element Two: Develop and maintain a nurturing relationship with babies/infants. Incident reports
Element Two: Develop and maintain a nurturing relationship with babies/infants. Induction Process –Polices/Procedures –Strategies –Parent involvement –On going communication Adapting and changing routines –Process –Communication –Whose involved
Strategies for separation on arrival Developing A Relationship Lets discuss strategies for developing relationships with families and children. Lets discuss different reasons for stress and anxiety being displayed by family members new to your centre. What are some sings of distress/stress that a new baby/infant may display on the first attendances to your centre?