The Importance of Investment Recovery... Sam Reynolds
Overview My Experience Mature Assets Resource Plays Training New Hires
My Experience Marathon Oil’s Rocky Mountain Operations (RMO) How I got involved in investment recovery Start from scratch Hardships Moving forward and roll out Figures: Over 30 lots sold Sales occurred across 7 fields
…in a Mature Asset Test Projects Repair & Maintenance (R&M) a surplus producer Surplus – Good Keeps necessary parts on hand Utilizes company’s previous investment ….. and Bad Limitations Expectations Investment Recovery: Sets a precedent to utilize on hand material in an effective manner Establishes a process that can be measured and monitored Cleans up field Reduces unneeded inventory and equipment Brings cash back to Company
…in a Resource Play Maintaining performance in one region while another is starting up Communication Utilize material intercompany Take advantage of investments already made Redeploy useful equipment where applicable – Extends the value of the material Capitalize on opportunity of market price Pumping Units, Casing, Tubing Start Investment Recovery Program in the beginning Facilities, Drilling, Warehouses and Special Projects – One-off or replicating
….Training New Hires Understand surplus Positive and negative Importance of communication Idle surplus is lost cash Excess surplus Eye sore Loss of value Takes up space Requires man hours to manage Creates potential safety hazards Starting a program Develop a process – prove process Advantages Ease of sales Larger auction group All inclusive fee(s) including marketing Fee(s) only charged on auction value
Steps to Dispose of Surplus Equipment 7