Bellringer What is ministerial responsibility? What country did Otto von Bismarck lead? What crisis will ultimately lead to World War I?
Chapter 13 Mass Society and Democracy Section 4 Toward the Modern Consciousness
A New Physics Before 1914 the Enlightenment ideals of reason, science, and progress remained important to many Europeans. Science was a chief pillar of the Wests optimism about the future.
Newtonian Mechanical conception of the universe.
Marie Curie French scientific discovered radium, an element that gave off energy.
Albert Einstein 1905 – German physicist provided a new picture of the universe. Theory of relativity – space & time arent absolute but are relative to the observer. Led to the Atomic Age
Sigmund Freud Dr. from Vienna Proposed theories about the human mind and human nature. Human behavior is influenced by past experiences and internal forces that people are unaware of. Begins in childhood.
Sigmund Freud Proposed psychoanalysis where patient and therapist probe deep into the patients psyche through free association, talking, and dream analysis.
Social Darwinism Argument that social progress comes from the struggle for survival. Applied mostly by businessmen.
Freidrich von Bernhardi German general that said war was a biological necessity for society to rid it of the weak and unfit.
Anti-Semitism Hostility and discrimination against Jews. Dreyfus Affair – Alfred Dreyfus, Jewish captain, was accused of selling military secrets. Sentenced to life imprisonment even though evidence pointed to the guilt of a Catholic officer. Public outrage finally resulted in a pardon.
Anti-Semitism Worst treatment was in eastern Europe. In Russia there were organized persecutions and massacres called pogroms. To escape, many went to the U.S. or Palestine.
The Culture of Modernity Modernism was created with the rebellion against traditional artistic and literary styles.
Literature Writers Henrik Ibsen and Emile Zola depicted social conditions and grappled with social issues.
Painting Claude Monet – Impressionist painter who used the light to capture objects.
Painting Vincent van Gogh – Postimpressionist that believed color was its own kind of language.
Painting Wassily Kandinsky – Russian who founded abstract painting.
Painting Pablo Picasso – created cubism that used geometric designs to recreate reality. Thats an Apple Tree
Camera George Eastman created the first Kodak camera in 1888.
Architecture Louis Sullivan designed skyscrapers to be a more practical use of space.
Architecture Frank Lloyd Wright – Sullivans most successful pupil. Pioneered the modern American house.
Music Igor Stravinsky – Russian classical composer. The Rite of Spring revolutionized classical music. At its Paris premiere the crowd almost rioted due to outrage of the sounds and rhythms.
End of Chapter 13