Collective Nouns vs. Plural Nouns What is the difference?
Singular Nouns Name one thing Girl Bike Ocean Friend Class Goose
Name more than one thing SingularPlural GirlGirls BikeBikes OceanOceans FriendFriends ClassClasses GooseGeese Plural Nouns
Collective Nouns Name a group of people, places or things Herd The herd of elephants drank at the river. Group This group performed best on the test. Class My class is hosting a party next week.
More Collective Nouns School Our school is supportive of its team. Team The football team trained indoors. Staff The library staff loves to read. Crowd Crowds scramble for beads at the parade.
Collective or Plural? Islanders Women Teams Stones Crowds Jobs Prizes Players Council
Collective or Plural? Department Audience Society Jury Family Committee Public Company
Lets try a few more… The scouts finished their duties early. The assembly were dismissed by rows. The varied population of the country never ceases to intrigue immigrants. Varied organisms populate the ocean.
Write your own… Write two descriptive sentences about your favorite hobby or family tradition using collective nouns. Write two descriptive sentences about your best friend using plural nouns.