Circuits Topic- Seating Plan
Electric Circuits Level 4Level 5Level 6 Use circuit components to construct a series circuit Describe how a torch circuit works using correct terminology Apply the circuit model to explain how electricity moves through a torch circuit. Learning Objective: To learn how electricity moves through complete circuits Learning Outcomes:
Circuit 1 I want to make a circuit which lights up and stays on when connected to a battery.
Circuit 2 I want to have a pair of lights in series that can be switched on or off together. The bulbs need to be fairly bright so I will need more than one battery.
Circuit 3 I want two lights in my circuit; the lights need to be parallel to each other. I need them both to be very bright and I want to be able to turn them on, or off, separately from each other when connected to the battery.
How does a torch Work? Task: Use the diagram to help you explain how a torch works. Draw a circuit diagram of the torch. Explain how electricity flows through the circuit. Task: Use the diagram to help you explain how a torch works. Draw a circuit diagram of the torch. Explain how electricity flows through the circuit. Key words: battery (cell), bulb, conductor, current, insulator, metal, plastic, switch, wire Key words: battery (cell), bulb, conductor, current, insulator, metal, plastic, switch, wire
L4Drawn a circuit diagram using standard circuit symbols. Stated the job of the cells, wires, bulb and switch. Stated simply how the torch works. L5Draw a circuit diagram using standard circuit symbols. Describe the job of the cells, wires, bulb and switch. Describe materials in the torch as conductors and insulators. Explain how the torch works using correct terminology L6Draw a circuit diagram using standard circuit symbols. Explain the job of the cells, wires, bulb and switch. Draw a model of electricity to explain how the circuit works, using the terms current correctly. Explain why the parts of my model are like the real circuit components. Grading Criteria -How does a torch work?