Deformation of Rocks How Rocks Deform Brittle-Ductile Behavior Faulting and Folding
Stress and Strain The keys to understanding any deformation are stress (the cause) and strain (the effect)
Compression Rocks are squeezed or compressed by forces directed toward one another. Rocks are shortened by folding or faulting
Plate Boundary: Convergence Zones
Tension Rocks are lengthened or pulled apart by forces acting in opposite directions Rocks are stretched and thinned
Plate Boundary: Divergence Zones
Shear Forces act parallel to one another but in opposite directions Results in displacement of adjacent layers along closely spaced planes
Plate Boundary: Transform Faults
Relationship between stress and strain Elastic behavior Fracture, breaks X Strain Stress Rock Ductile behavior Rubber band Permanent strain
Relationship between stress and strain Brittle behavior: Very little ductile deformation before fracturing X Strain Stress X Fracture Ductile behavior: Extensive ductile deformation before fracturing
Ductile Brittle
Ductile Behavior Folding of Rocks Brittle Behavior Faulting of Rocks
What controls brittle vs. ductile? Rate of deformation (fast = brittle) Rock strength (strong = brittle) Temperature (cold = brittle) Confining pressure (shallow = brittle) Just remember deeper = ductile Near surface= rocks are brittle At depth= rocks are ductile
What controls brittle vs. ductile? Rate of deformation (strain rate) Low strain rates Ductile (Mantle Convection) High strain rates Brittle (Earthquake waves)
Yield stress Elastic limit Effects of Temperature and Strain Rate
Brittle-Ductile Transition Limits the depths of earthquakes surface Brittle Low Temperature Low Pressure 15-20 km Higher Temperature Higher Pressure Ductile Crust Mantle
Lithosphere-Asthenosphere schematic strength profile through continental lithosphere Strain Stress Yield strength=0 T=1300 C Lithosphere-Asthenosphere
Deformation in Progress
Abrupt Movement along Faults
Uplifted sea floor at Cape Cleare, Montague Island, Prince William Sound, in the area of greatest recorded tectonic uplift on land (33 feet). The very gently slopping flat rocky surface with the white coating which lies between the cliffs and the water is about a quarter of a mile wide. It is a wave cut surface that was below sea level before the earthquake. The white coating consists of the remains of calcareous marine organisms that were killed by desiccation when the wave cut surface was lifted above the high tide during the earthquake. Uplifted sea floor at Cape Cleare, Montague Island, Prince William Sound. Uplift about 33 ft
LA SA uplift subsidence FIGURE 4.15 Perspective view of the Los Angeles region with superimposed InSAR measurements of ground motions between May and September 1999, indicating seasonal and secular variations due to groundwater withdrawal and recharge. Large regions of metropolitan Los Angeles are rising and falling by up to 11 centimeters annually, and a large portion of the city of Santa Ana is sinking at a rate of 12 millimeters per year. The repeated color banding with the large oval shows approximately 5 centimeters of subsidence. The straight line located just inside the coastline is the Newport-Inglewood fault, which controls the extent of subsidence. The small isolated bull’s-eye feature north of Palos Verdes and east of downtown Los Angeles is from pumping activity in the Inglewood oil field. The motion caused by the withdrawal of water, oil, and gas from the basin contaminates GPS measurements of the deformation field. After corrections for these effects using the InSAR data, the contraction across the Los Angeles Basin is estimated to be approximately 4.5 millimeters per year. This deformation is thought to be accommodated primarily on blind thrust faults, such as those that ruptured in the 1987 Whittier Narrows and 1994 Northridge earthquakes. SOURCE: G.W. Bawden, W. Thatcher, R.S. Stein, K.W. Hudnut, and G. Peltzer, Tectonic contraction across Los Angeles after removal of groundwater pumping effects, Nature, 412, 812-815, 2001. Reprinted by permission from Nature copyright 2001 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Gradual Movement: Perspective view of the Los Angeles region with superimposed InSAR( Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) measurements of ground motions between May and September 1999. Large regions of metropolitan Los Angeles are rising and falling by up to 11 cm annually, and a large portion of the city of Santa Ana is sinking at a rate of 12 mm per year.
Past Deformation: Folding Large scale and small scale folds
Folding: large and small scale
Past Deformation: Faulting Large scale and small scale
Strike and Dip
Measuring Deformation in the Rocks Strike & Dip
Faults Fractures along which there is relative motion parallel to the fracture The fracture is called the fault plane Vertical motion (dip-slip) horizontal (strike-slip). Most faults have a combination of both types of motion (oblique).
Types of Faults Classified according to: Dip of fault Direction of relative movement
Normal Fault (dip-slip)
Normal Faulting Foot wall Hanging wall
Tetons – fault range scale
Basin and Range Normal Faulting Horst-Graben Structures Death Valley, CA Classic basin-and-range topography: Death Valley, California. View from Dante's View across Badwater, the lowest point in the western hemisphere at 282 feet below sea level, to the Panamint Mountains and Telescope Peak (11,049'). Mt. Whitney, the highest point in the lower 48 states, is about 100 miles beyond Telescope Peak. Note the perfectly formed alluvial fans in the foreground at the base of the Black Mountains. Both mountain ranges are bordered by large normal faults. Normal Faulting Horst-Graben Structures
Reverse Fault (dip slip)
Reverse Faults
Thrust Fault (dip-slip)
Thrust Fault Older rocks Younger rocks
Thrust Faults. Snake Range, Wy
Strike-Slip Fault (horizontal motion, no vertical motion)
Strike-Slip Fault
San Andreas Fault Transform plate boundary (Pac / N.A.) System of right lateral faults
Offset Streams (San Andreas Fault) A pair of streams that has been offset by right-lateral slip on the San Andreas fault (lineament extending from left to right edge of photograph). View northeastward across fault toward the Temblor Range. Photograph by Sandra Schultz Burford, U.S. Geological Survey.
Strike-slip fault Off-set stream Right-lateral Strike-slip Stress: shear
Types of Folds During mountain building or compressional stress, rocks undergo ductile deformation to produce folds anticline syncline
Types of Folds
Anticline: Warped upwards. Limbs dip outward Anticline: Warped upwards. Limbs dip outward. When eroded, oldest rocks crop out in the center (assuming everything is right-side-up).
Syncline: Warped downwards. Limbs dip inward Syncline: Warped downwards. Limbs dip inward. When eroded, youngest rocks crop out in the center (assuming everything is right-side-up).
Basins and Domes resemble anticlines & synclines vertical motions instead of lateral motions
Stress, Strain & Plate Tectonics Plate collisions (convergent margins) Compressive strsses Folds & reverse faults
Stress, Strain & Plate Tectonics Divergent plate boundaries Tensional stresses Normal faults
Stress, Strain & Plate Tectonics Transform plate boundaries Shear stress Transform faults